Bernhard Leisering

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Bernhard Leisering (born January 24, 1951 in Leipzig ; † December 11, 2012 in Berlin ) was a German architect .


Bernhard Leisering grew up in Leipzig, where he completed his training as a bricklayer with a high school diploma in 1969. From 1971 to 1975 he studied architecture at the Technical University of Dresden . After graduating as Dipl.-Ing. Until 1992 he worked as an employee of the East Berlin Industrial Project Planning Berlin (IPRO) . From 1992 until his death he worked freelance with his own architecture office in Berlin. At IPRO, he already managed major renovation projects in the monument area.

Leisering had been married to his wife Gisela since 1973, who had worked as an architect in his office since 1992. The marriage resulted in two sons. Bernhard Leisering found his final resting place in the forest cemetery Oberschöneweide .

Construction projects (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Obituary notice of the family, Berliner Zeitung from 15./16. December 2012