Bernhard Spangenberg

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Hugo Bernhard Spangenberg (born November 14, 1891 in Dresden ; † 1949 ) was a German lawyer , civil servant and politician ( CDU ). He was deputy finance minister of Saxony .


Spangenberg studied 1911-1914 legal and political sciences at the universities of Freiburg , Rostock and Leipzig and earned his Dr. iur. A serious wound in the First World War earned him the status of " seriously injured in the war". From 1919 to 1922 he worked in the Saxon judicial service. From 1922 he was an employee of the Ministry of Finance. In 1923 he was appointed to the government council and in 1927 to the senior government councilor. Until 1933 he taught at the Saxon Administration Academy in Dresden. In 1933 he resigned from most functions. During the Nazi dictatorship he was temporarily under the supervision of the Gestapo .

After the war ended , Spangenberg joined the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) in 1945. In May / June 1945 he headed the processing office of the Saxon Ministry of Finance at the Lord Mayor of Dresden . In July 1945 he was a ministerial director in the state administration of Saxony and was one of the heads of the finance and tax department. In December 1945 he became Head of Department I of the Ministry of Finance of the State Government of Saxony and Deputy Minister Gerhard Rohner . From October 1945 he was a member of the Board of Directors of Sächsische Landesbank .

Since 1920 he was with Marianne Johanna geb. Bruck, the divorced wife of the Berlin painter Ludwig Kurt Polborn, married.


  • Germany's reparations burdens . Wilhelm Limpert, Dresden 1929.
  • The future of reparations . Georg Stilke, Berlin 1931.


  • Andreas Thüsing (Ed.): The Presidium of the State Administration of Saxony. The minutes of the meetings from July 9, 1945 to December 10, 1946 . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2010, ISBN 978-3-525-36916-6 , p. 541.

Individual evidence

  1. Birth register StA Dresden I, No. 2429/1891
  2. Marriage register StA Dresden I, No. 753/1920