Bernt Karger-Decker

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Bernt Karger-Decker (* July 27, 1912 in Berlin as Bernhard Karger ; † March 30, 2008 ibid) was a German author of widely read popular science books , mainly on the history of medicine , who has also created an extensive image archive in this area.

Karger-Decker worked as an editor and picture editor as well as a writer. For the magazine Deutsches Rotes Kreuz of the German Red Cross of the GDR he wrote the 250-part series Important Doctors from 1969 and the series History of Medicine in 190 episodes from 1975 . In doing so, he has often involved medical professionals as specialist advisors, e. B. two of his book titles, "Reaching for the Brain" and "Poisons, Witches' Salves, Love Potions", were written with the scientific collaboration of pharmacologist Peter Oehme .

Works (selection)

  • Then the world held its breath , Verlag der Nation , Berlin 1959
  • But the truth is stronger. Great researchers and scholars struggle for recognition , Koehler & Amelang , Leipzig 1961
  • Doctors in self-experiment. A chapter of heroic medicine , Koehler & Amelang, Leipzig 1965
  • History and stories about letters and postage stamps , Koehler & Amelang, Leipzig 1976
  • Invisible enemies. Doctors and researchers in the fight against infection death , Koehler & Amelang, Leipzig 1980
  • Conquered pain. The history of anesthesia and local anesthesia , Koehler & Amelang, Leipzig 1984
  • From Arzney to Zipperlein. Pictures on the cultural history of medicine , edition q, Berlin 1992

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