Berta Schmidt-Eller

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Berta Schmidt-Eller (born August 16, 1899 in Leipzig ; † October 13, 1987 in Aachen ), actually Berta Schmidt, Berta Künzell married since 1925, was a German author of Christian literature .


The author was born as Berta Schmidt. Her father was the leader of a free church in Leipzig and co-editor of the song book "Reichslieder" . From 1915 she lived in Eller near Düsseldorf . Since Schmidt is a common family name, the publisher of her first books, Friedrich Bahn in Schwerin, suggested adding a place name to the name. On this advice, she published her first three stories “Maria Carola”, “And hadn't the love” and “Haus Gudelius” under the pseudonym Schmidt-Eller . Even after marrying Oskar Künzell in 1925, she kept her stage name. Their son Ekkehard was born in Düsseldorf in the year of the wedding. During the time of National Socialism , the author's Christian books were no longer printed. The meanwhile divorced and single mother therefore worked first as a doctor's assistant and later as a company nurse. After the end of the war, R. Brockhaus Verlag encouraged her to resume her work as an author. Her stories and children's books were therefore published by Brockhaus in Wuppertal, but also by the Christian publishing house in Stuttgart. She created edifying fiction, books for children and young people, but also lyrics and radio plays.

Works (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Berta Künzel: Songs that we like to sing. (PDF; 175 kB) In: Come! Dr. Lothar Gassmann, May 2006, p. 12 , accessed on January 31, 2009 .