Berthold von Urach

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Berthold von Urach (left) on a painting in the abbot gallery in the cloister of Salem

Berthold of Urach (* 12th century; † 1241 / 1242 ) was from 1207 to 1221 abbot of the monastery Tennenbach and 1221-1224 Abbot of Lützel . In 1224 he resigned, in 1240 (or 1241) he became abbot of the Salem monastery.

Berthold von Urach was the younger son of Count Egino I the Bearded von Urach and Agnes von Zähringen , daughter of Duke Berthold IV.

Together with his brother Konrad von Urach in 1198, Berthold was held hostage for his uncle Berthold V. von Zähringen in Cologne . He was highly valued and his brother Konrad encouraged him to the best of his ability. As a Cistercian and Berthold was successively abbot of three monasteries. He took part in the Lateran Council in 1215 .

Individual evidence

  1. Manfred Hiebl.

See also