Bertram von Boxberg

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Bertram von Boxberg (* 1957 in Hameln ) is a German director , screenwriter and actor . In addition to Douglas Welbat and Katja Brügger, he was responsible for the implementation of the novel series Larry Brent and Macabros for radio plays in the 1980s .


As a performer

As a director

  • 1990: Everything is open
  • 1991: the inheritance
  • 1993: Who Lies Twice
  • 2006: lifelong dreams. Willy Messerschmitt - Airplanes for War and Peace

As a screenwriter

  • 1991: the inheritance
  • 1993: Who Lies Twice
  • 2006: lifelong dreams. Willy Messerschmitt - Airplanes for War and Peace

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