Bertrand de Jouvenel

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Bertrand de Jouvenel (born October 31, 1903 in Paris , † March 1, 1987 in Paris) was a French university professor and political-philosophical journalist .


He is the son of Henry de Jouvenel (French politician, journalist and editor-in-chief of Le Matin ) and his first wife Claire Boas. At the age of 17 he had a love affair with his father's second wife, the writer Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette , who was inspired to write her novel Le Blé en herbe . Before Jouvenel started a career at university, he studied science and law and worked as a correspondent for various newspapers.


  • Vers les États-Unis d'Europe . Valois, Paris 1930.
  • After the defeat . Herbig, Berlin 1941.
  • Napoléon et l'économie dirigée. Le blocus continental, Ed. de la Toison d'Or, Paris 1942.
  • You Pouvoir. Histoire naturelle de sa croissance. Genève, éditions du cheval ailé, 1945; English translation: On Power: Its Nature and the History of its Growth , transl. by JF Huntington. London, 1949; German translation: About the state authority. The natural history of their growth . Rombach, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1972, ISBN 3-7930-0046-X
  • L'échec d'une experience. Problemes de l'angleterre socialiste . La Table Ronde, Paris 1947. ISBN 3-7930-0046-X
  • Source Europe? Le Portulan, Paris 1947.
  • L'Amerique en Europe. Le plan Marshall et la coopération intercontinentale . Plon, Paris 1948.
  • The ethics of redistribution . Univ. Press, Cambridge 1951.
  • The art of foresight . Luchterhand, Neuwied 1967.
  • Pure theory of politics . (Original title: The Pure Theory of Politics . 1963, 1977). Rombach, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1967.
  • About sovereignty . (Original title: De la souveraineté . Paris, 1955.) Rombach, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1963.
  • Beyond the performance society. Elements of social foresight and planning . Rombach, Freiburg 1970.
  • You principat et autres réflexions politiques . Hachette, Paris 1972.
  • La civilization du puissance . Fayard, Paris 1976.
  • Les débuts de l'état modern. Une histoire des idées politiques au XIXe siècle . Fayard, Paris 1976.
  • Les français. Novel . Juillard, Paris 1979.
  • A voyageur dans le siècle. Volume 1: 1903-1945 . Laffont, Paris 1979.
  • Vie de Zola . Juillard, Paris 1979.
  • Marx et Engels, la longue marche . Juillard, Paris 1983, ISBN 2-260-00323-0 .
  • Revoir Hélène . Laffont, Paris 1986.


  • Henrie, Marc C .: The Problem of Power . In: First Things 34 (June / July 1993), pp. 49-51.
  • Mahoney, Daniel J .: Bertrand de Jouvenel. The Conservative Liberal and the Illusions of Modernity , Wilmington / Delaware 2005.
  • Stockhammer, Nicolas: The Taming of the Minotaur. On the topicality of Bertrand de Jouvenel's reflections on state power . In: Berliner Debatte Initial , Volume 19, Issue 1/2, 2008, pp. 161–168.
  • Mauthner, Martin: Otto Abetz and His Paris Acolytes - French Writers Who Flirted with Fascism, 1930–1945. Sussex Academic Press, 2016, ( ISBN 978-1-84519-784-1 )

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