Nuremberg Job Promotion Agency

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The Berufsförderungswerk Nürnberg gGmbH (BFW Nürnberg) is a professional rehabilitation facility . Adult people who can no longer work in their previous job for health reasons learn a new job there. As a rule, this involves vocational training with a chamber qualification. With suitable prior knowledge, shorter qualifications are also possible. The goal is sustainable reintegration into the primary labor market.

The Nürnberg Berufsförderungswerk was put into operation in 1978 and is responsible for people in the northern Bavaria area.

Vocational promotion agencies are explicitly named in Section 35 (1) of the Social Security Code IX as providers of services for participation in working life. The target group are adult people. The Vocational Training Centers (BBW) also mentioned in this section are responsible for the concerns of young people who, as a rule, have not yet had any initial training.

The shareholders of the Nürnberg Berufsförderungswerk are:

The professional development agency has around 300 employees in various fields of activity. The Nuremberg Vocational Promotion Agency is one of 28 members in the Association of German Vocational Promotion Agency.

Inpatient measures

The headquarters of the Nuremberg Vocational Promotion Agency is the rehabilitation center in the north of Nuremberg - Wetzendorf district . Around 600 people learn one of over 20 professions in commercial and technical training companies. Up to 370 participants live in the living area of ​​the rehabilitation center during this time. During their rehabilitation training, the participants are looked after by doctors, social pedagogues and psychologists if necessary . Vocational training in the rehabilitation center takes place in learning companies. These simulate the everyday work of real companies and cooperate with companies for this purpose. At the end of the training, the participants have an internship in companies outside the vocational support organization.

Local measures

Spread across Northern Bavaria as well as in Schwäbisch Hall , the Nuremberg Job Promotion Agency maintains a large number of branch offices for rehabilitation close to home, where more than 1000 participants are looked after each year.

The retraining students live in their own living environment during the measure. The training takes place like vocational training in a company in the area. Like other trainees, the retraining students also attend vocational school . Specialist staff in the BFW branch offices support the rehabilitation candidates at the beginning with the decision for a suitable occupation, help with the search for an apprenticeship and accompany the retraining students during their training with support lessons, exam preparation and psychosocial advice in the event of problems. The local retraining is aimed at people who do not need intensive medical or psychological care during their training.

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Coordinates: 49 ° 28 ′ 29.9 ″  N , 11 ° 2 ′ 51 ″  E