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As Saliromanie or Salirophilie ( fr. Salir , "smear", "dirty" and philia ) refers to a preference , in the soiling of persons or objects with sexual arousal is connected. In addition to the purely visual stimuli, the humiliation of the person concerned can also play a role. It is not a drive or a mania , as the term saliromania suggests.

Forms of saliromania

The forms of saliromania are varied; It is always about treating yourself and / or your partner as well as your own clothes and / or those of your partner with all kinds of mushy, slimy or liquid substances suitable for this (for example food , paint , mud or sperm or blood and even urine or feces ) smeared or splashed. The pollution triggers sexual arousal and satisfaction. Slightly Saliromanic acts are widespread, especially in cultures where hygiene and cleanliness are particularly important and where soiling is associated with breaking a norm.

Another common form of saliromania is the desire to bathe in full clothes.

Saliromania is associated with paraphilias such as excrementophilia as an umbrella term for coprophilia and urophilia .

See also


  • Richard von Krafft-Ebing (Alfred Fuchs (Hrsg.)): Psychopathia Sexualis . 14th edition, 1912; P. 91 defilement of women
    reprint: Matthes & Seitz, Berlin 1997, ISBN 3-882-21351-5 .
  • Friedrich Sidler: Contribution to saliromania . In: Psyche 10, 1956, pp. 296-310
  • Stephan Dressler, Christoph Zink: Pschyrembel Dictionary Sexuality . Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2003, ISBN 3-11-016965-7 , p 452.