Bianca Bobertag

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Bianca Bobertag , b. Marbach, pseudonym Victor Valentin , Irenäus Wasservogel (born October 19, 1846 in Breslau ; † March 25, 1900 there ) was a German writer .


She was the daughter of the teacher and associate professor at the University of Wroclaw Christian August Hermann Marbach (1817–1873) and his wife Klara (1824–1893), who had published a volume of lyrical poems in 1876 under the name Klara Held-Marbach . She attended a secondary school for girls and the teachers' seminar in Breslau. In 1867 she married the literary historian and high school professor Felix Bobertag . Considering her family, she only worked with long breaks. Her last works first appeared in the semi-monthly magazine Deutsche Dichtung, published by Karl Emil Franzos . Eduard Engel counted her among those highly talented women who were too early to lose their future development through death ; she was an unusual narrator to whom her inclination to philosophize in the midst of the work of art was at times dangerous.


  • as Irenäus Wasservogel : Roderich Klinghart. A story of adventurers from the highest and very highest educational circles. Roman Leipzig: Reinhold Werther 1888
  • as Victor Valentin : The Pastor. Roman, Leipzig, Dresden: C. Reissner 1889
  • The Ellersbrunn Wedding and other short stories. Dresden: Pierson 1890
  • The jump on the cliff. Dresden: Pierson 1893
  • The heiresses. Leipzig, Dresden: C. Reissner 1894
  • With all weapons. Novel in 3 books, Dresden: Pierson 1894
  • Modern youth. Novel in 3 books, Stuttgart: Cotta 1896
  • Summer fairy tale. Novella, Bielefeld: Velhagen & Klasing 1897
  • Marital happiness. Roman, Berlin: Concordia 1901
  • Silesian village stories. Berlin: Concordia 1901
  • The centauress. Novel, 2 volumes, Berlin: Concordia 1904


Individual evidence

  1. Held-Marbach, Klara . In: Sophie Pataky (Hrsg.): Lexicon of German women of the pen . Volume 1. Verlag Carl Pataky, Berlin 1898, p. 328 ( digitized version ).
  2. Bobertag, Mrs. Bianca . In: Sophie Pataky (Hrsg.): Lexicon of German women of the pen . Volume 1. Verlag Carl Pataky, Berlin 1898, p. 80 f. ( Digitized version ).
  3. Eduard Engel: History of German Literature from the Beginnings to the Present. 3rd edition, Volume 2, Leipzig: Freytag 1908, p. 400