Library of the Communist International

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The library of the Communist International was a German-language communist series of publications, the volumes of which were published by the Communist International Publishing House in Hamburg (delivery point for Germany: Carl Hoym Nachf. Louis Cahnbley, Hamburg) and Petrograd , the Communist International Publishing House, in the early 1920s (1920– 1923).

The publishing house of the Communist International (Petrograd, Hamburg) also published the almanac of the Publishing House of the Communist International in 1921 (Carl Hoym Nachf. Louis Cahnbley 1921). The almanac contains numerous contributions by the leading members of the association founded in 1919, including Bukharin , Lenin , Zinoviev , Trotsky , Karl Radek , Rosa Luxemburg , Karl Liebknecht , Upton Sinclair , Eugen Varga and John Reed , supplemented with illustrations of Russian revolutionary posters and illustrations based on drawings by George Grosz and a woodcut by Käthe Kollwitz .

The following overview of the volumes in the library of the Communist International does not claim to be up-to-date or complete.


  • I. Manifesto, guidelines, resolutions of the first Congress . Calls and open letters from the Executive Committee up to the Second Congress.
  • II. The capitalist world and the communist international. Manifesto of the Second Congress of the Communist International .
  • III. Guiding principles and statutes of the Communist International. Resolved by the II Congress.
  • IV. Leon Trotsky , Terrorism and Communism. Anti-Kautsky.
  • V. Karl Radek , Theory and Practice of the 2 1/2 International. *
  • VI. W. Newski and S. Rawitsch, Workers 'and Peasants' Universities in Soviet Russia. Digitized
  • VII. The I Congress of the Communist International. Minutes of the negotiations.
  • VIII. Eugen Varga , The economic problems of the proletarian dictatorship.
  • IX. N. Lenin, Imperialism as the latest stage of capitalism.
  • X. A. Losowski , The International Council of Trade and Industry Associations (Moscow versus Amsterdam).
  • XI. Karl Radek, The Foreign Policy of Soviet Russia.
  • XII. WP Milyutin , The Organization of National Economy in Soviet Russia.
  • XIII. Bukharin, N. and E. Preobraschensky , The ABC of Communism *
  • XIV. SI Gusew , The Lessons of the Civil War.
  • XVI. J. Larin and L. Kritzmann , Economic Life and Economic Development in Soviet Russia 1917–1920.
  • XVII. M. Tomski , Treatises on the trade union movement in Russia.
  • XVIII. Karl Radek, The Way of the Communist International.
  • XIX. G. Zinoviev, The Struggles of the Communist International.
  • XX. Theses and resolutions of the III. World Congress of the Communist International .
  • XXI. Reports on the Second Congress of the Communist International (Moscow, June 22 to July 12, 1921)
  • XXII. The second congress of the Communist International. Minutes of the negotiations. Petrograd, 1921.
  • XXIII. Protocol of the III. Congress of the Communist International.
  • XXIV. Leon Trotsky, The New Stage. The world situation and our tasks.
  • XXV. E. Varga, The Crisis of the Capitalist World Economy. 2. verb. u. reworked Ed.
  • XXVI. G. Zinoviev , The Tactics of the Communist International. Review of the work of the III. World Congress of the Communist International.
  • XXVII. The Tactics of the Communist International against the Offensive of Capital. Report on the Conference of the Extended Executive of the Communist International, Moscow, from February 24 to March 4, 1922
  • XXX. Leon Trotsky, The Issues of the Labor Movement in France and the Communist International. Two speeches.
  • XXXV. The Communist International on the Advance / G. Zinoviev
  • XXXVII. Report on the 4th Congress of the Communist International : Petrograd-Moscow from Nov. 5 to Dec. 5, 1922

See also


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