Small Library of Russian Correspondence

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The Small Library of Russian Correspondence was a German-language communist publication series that was attached to the Russian Correspondence , a monthly magazine. The Small Library of Russian Correspondence was published in the early 1920s in Leipzig , Berlin and Hamburg (1920–1923).

It contains important testimonies about the early Soviet Union , in it reported - according to the Presidium of the German Academy of Sciences in (East) Berlin - "Soviet party leaders and members of the government about the real conditions in Soviet Russia".


  • 1 A. Schlapnikow , The Russian Trade Unions
  • 2 Karl Radek , program of socialist economic development
  • 3/4 The resolutions of the IX. Congress of the Communist Party of Russia (Moscow, March 29 to April 4, 1920).
  • 5 L. Trotsky , Soviet Russia and bourgeois Poland
  • 6 NA Gredeskul , Liberated Labor on the Problem of Labor Discipline
  • 7–10 A. Losowski , The Trade Unions in Soviet Russia
  • 11 Churchill as a conspirator: Golovin's memorandum to Sasanov
  • 12 A. Bogdanow , What is Proletarian Poetry
  • 13/14 N. Lenin , Successes and Difficulties of Soviet Power
  • 15/16 L. Trotsky , The Working Class and Its Soviet Policy
  • 17 The activity of the All-Russian Federation of Metalworkers
  • 18 The Problems of Soviet Ukraine
  • 19–21 N. Bukharin , The Class Struggle and the Revolution in Russia
  • 22 The constitution of the RSFSR
  • 23/24 Three rallies from 1918
  • 25 Lenin, To the Russian Youth
  • 26 W. Posner, The Unified Work School
  • 27/28 A. Anikst , Organization of the Labor Market in the First Two Years of Soviet Rule
  • 29/30 Ch. Rakowski , The Soul of Victory / G. Sinowjew , The Soviet Power and the Officer Class
  • 31/32 K. Radek , The Third Year of the Struggle of the Soviet Republic against World Capital
  • 33 K. Radek , On the threshold of the great reconstruction work in Soviet Russia
  • 34/35 N. Lenin, The Foreign and Domestic Policy of Soviet Russia
  • 36/37 I. Stepanow , On Foreign Concessions
  • 38 N. Lenin, The Present Situation in Soviet Russia
  • 39/40 K. Radek , The internal and external situation of Soviet Russia and the tasks of the KPR
  • 41/42 N. Lenin, The Relationship of the Working Class to the Peasantry
  • 43 L. Kamenew , The Soviet Republic in the Capitalist Surroundings
  • 44/45 A. Rykow , Results of the Constructive Activity of the Soviet Government
  • 45 Karl Radek , The Xth Congress of the KPR
  • 47/48 N. Lenin, On tax in kind
  • 49/50 A. Bubnow , The main moments in the development of the KPR
  • 51 M. Tukhachevsky , The Red Army and the Militia
  • 52 A. Vinokurow , Social Welfare in Soviet Russia
  • 53/54 Me. Pavlovich , Economic Development and the Agrarian Question in Persia in the 20th Century
  • 55 NL Meshcheryakov , Menshevik Georgia
  • 56/57 N. Lenin, The Politics of the KPR
  • 58/59 A. Chrjaschtschjew, On the characteristics of the Russian peasant economy in the war and revolution
  • 60/61 AM Kollontay , The Worker and Peasant Woman in Soviet Russia
  • 62/63 E. Varga , Socialism and Capitalism in Soviet Russia
  • 64/65 G. Zinoviev , From the bourgeois to the proletarian revolution
  • 66/67 A. Andrejew , The Russian Trade Unions in the Four Years of the Proletarian Revolution
  • 68–70 G. Semjonow , The Party of Social Revolutionaries in the years 1917–1918
  • 71–73 In the pillory. To the trial of the Social Revolutionaries
  • 74 L. Sosnowski , The Bogatyr Plant
  • 75/76 K. Radek , After Genua and Haag
  • 77–79 G. Zinoviev , On anti-Soviet parties and currents
  • 80–81 P. Stutschka , The Problem of Class Law and Class Justice
  • 82–83 N. Bukharin , Proletarian Revolution and Culture / Valentin Tomarin, The Desert
  • 84–88 W. Antonov-Ovsejenko , Building the Red Army in the Revolution
  • 89–92 IP Trainin , The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; W. Ivanov , partisan; R. Conolly, The Struggle in Ireland.
  • 93–97 Gusev-Orenburgski , The lessons of the civil war

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ October Revolution and Science : Ed. By the Presidium of the German Academy of Sciences in Berlin on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, German Academy of Sciences in Berlin. Presidium, Akademie-Verlag, 1967 ( partial online view ) p.112
  2. Nikolai Andrejewitsch Gredeskul (1864-1941); see. Nikolay Gredeskul (English); Николай Андреевич Гредескул (Russian)

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