Bieschin to Bieschin

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The Barons Bieschin zu Bieschin (Czech Běšin z Běsin ) were an old Bohemian noble family . Their head office was in Teinitzl , okres Klatovy , Czech Republic . The knights were excellent burgraves and army commanders. After the First World War , the aristocratic family moved to Austria .


Jenik called Mnich

has been the founder of the family since 1382.


(Václav Běšín) Achieved the appointment of his seat to the city of Bělčice ( November 4th, 1549 ) and the granting of city privileges ( September 19th, 1556 ) by King Ferdinand I.

Heinrich, called Jeptischa

(Jindřich, řečený Jeptiška z Běšin), 1484-1507 deputy judge of the Bohemian Kingdom

Johann Wenzel I.

(Jan Václav Běšin z Běšin), knight, 1640 to 1642 district chief


Jan Běšin z Běšin, 1648 to 1650 district chief

Johann Wenceslas II.

(Jan Václav Běšín z Běšin), 1696 to 1699, district chief


(Martin Běšin z Běšin), district chief 1751 to 1762


  • Consignation of the collective high nobility of male sex in the Kingdom of Boheimb 1722. Digitized
  • August Doerr: The nobility of the Bohemian Crown Lands , Prague 1900 digitized , p. 252 and p. 266