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Biologization is a collective term for the increasing integration of principles of nature in modern economic areas, or the development of products or problem solutions with the help of the life sciences . For example, there is talk of the biologization of the economy, the biologization of industry or the biologization of technology. The term describes a process of change, driven by the knowledge gained in the life sciences and particularly in biotechnology . Biologization and digitization are seen as converging processes that can mutually reinforce one another. Biologization contributes to the success of the bioeconomy .

Biologization of the economy

The catchphrase “biologization of the economy” or industry is understood to mean the increasing application of biological and life science innovations in the economy. This includes, for example, the use of biological, renewable resources in production in order to create “ sustainable ” products. Examples are lightweight construction materials made from lignin or bio-based plastics made from starch.

Biological knowledge and processes are also used to produce more sustainably. Examples of this are enzymes for preserving food and biotechnologically produced surfactants in detergents that are biodegradable and at the same time clean at low washing temperatures.

Similar to digitization, biological innovations can enable the development of new products and services in many different economic sectors. Biological therapeutics or " biologicals " are pioneers . B. in immuno-oncology, bio-based implants in medical technology or materials such as bio-engineered spider or lacewing silk. In information technology, DNA can serve as a highly efficient data store. In medical technology, biologization is also defined as a “merging of technical and biological components”. This trend can be observed above all in orthopedics and diagnostics. The focus here is on bio-based sensors, biological surface coatings and "biologized" implants, which also automatically break down in the body if necessary. However, there are also applications outside of biomedicine. By embedding cells, a concrete can be produced that automatically closes cracks caused by tension.

Biologization of technology

The biologization of technology changes the industrial production process itself. The basis for this is the linking of today's largely linear processes to multidimensional "technical ecosystems", knowledge, skills and resources are networked. This makes production processes more flexible and resilient . Examples of this exist in the context of additive manufacturing and eco-efficient cycle systems . Further examples of the biologization of technology can be found in logistics through the use of the principle of swarm intelligence and autonomous driving .

Self-replicating and organizing cellular machines have been part of mathematical concepts since the middle of the last century, but have not yet been realized.

Individual evidence

  1. von Braun, J .: Bioeconomy - Science and Technology Policy to Harmonize Biologization of Economies with Food Security. In: D. Sahn (Ed.): The Fight Against Hunger and Malnutrition. Oxford University Press, 2015, pp. 240-262 .
  2. Bioeconomy Council (2017). What is bioeconomy?
  3. Fair in Hanover - Biotechnica and Labvolution: Trend towards biologization and digitization - Retrieved March 2, 2017 .
  4. Ernst & Young: German biotech industry with renewed courage - but there is still a lack of risk capital. EY, April 13, 2015, accessed March 2, 2017 .
  5. Recommendations of the Bioeconomy Council: Further development of the "National Research Strategy Bioeconomy 2030"
  6. Thorsten Winter: Portrait: Brain boss Holger Zinke: Prophet of the "biologization of industry" . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . March 7, 2010, ISSN  0174-4909 ( [accessed March 3, 2017]).
  7. Fraunhofer President Neugebauer: The industrialized countries' use of materials must decrease . ( [accessed on March 2, 2017]).
  8. Fraunhofer researchers build carbon fibers from wood pulp . In: . ( [accessed on March 3, 2017]).
  9. Fraunhofer UMSICHT: Bio-based plastics. Retrieved March 3, 2017 .
  10. Fraunhofer IME: Insect enzymes for industrial biotechnology. Retrieved April 2, 2018 .
  11. Fraunhofer IGB: Biosurfactants - Production and Optimization. Retrieved March 3, 2017 .
  12. Environmental advice Lucerne: cleaning and washing. On: , as of October 25, 2017
  13. Top 5 Biologicals from European Biopharma to Launch in 2017 . In: . January 31, 2017 ( [accessed March 1, 2017]).
  14. Fraunhofer IPA: Fraunhofer: Biologized implants and surgical instruments. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on March 3, 2017 ; Retrieved March 3, 2017 .
  15. ↑ Specialty plastics: plastic was just the beginning . ( [accessed on March 1, 2017]).
  16. Medical technology: the miracle drug spider silk . ( [accessed March 1, 2017]).
  17. Fraunhofer IAP: Lacewing silk. Retrieved March 3, 2017 .
  18. Yaniv Erlich, Dina Zielinski: Science: DNA Fountain enables a robust and efficient storage architecture . In: Science . tape 355 , no. 6328 , March 3, 2017, ISSN  0036-8075 , p. 950–954 , doi : 10.1126 / science.aaj2038 , PMID 28254941 ( [accessed March 3, 2017]).
  19. Fraunhofer IGB: Biosensors. Retrieved March 3, 2017 .
  20. Fraunhofer IGB: Heart valve tissue engineering. Retrieved March 3, 2017 .
  21. The "biologization" of medical devices. Retrieved March 1, 2017 .
  22. "Bioconcrete" containing bacteria closes stress-related cracks automatically . ( [accessed on March 3, 2017]).
  23. Fraunhofer IPA: The ultra-efficiency factory in an urban environment. Retrieved March 3, 2017 .
  24. Fraunhofer: Swarm Intelligence for Logistics - Cellular Transport Systems. Retrieved March 3, 2017 .
  25. Fraunhofer IAO: People and Mobility. Retrieved March 3, 2017 .
  26. ^ John von Neumann's Cellular Automata | The Embryo Project Encyclopedia. Retrieved March 3, 2017 (English).