Blasco Lanza D'Ajeta

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Blasco Lanza d'Ajeta di Trabia (born June 6, 1907 in Florence , † November 19, 1969 in Rome ) was an Italian diplomat .


Blasco Lanza d'Ajeta di Trabia was the godchild of Esther Slater, the wife of Sumner Welles . Blasco Lanza d'Ajeta di Trabia married Carla dei duchi Visconti di Modrone on June 8, 1932 in Milan (born November 8, 1904 in Milan, † August 2, 1984 Rome ). He studied at the University of Florence and entered the foreign service in 1932, where he was employed by the League of Nations and from 1936 as the office manager of Galeazzo Ciano . The Roman protocol of May 18, 1941 created Italian territory, between the Adriatic Sea and the independent state of Croatia . In Croatia, a large part of the approximately 30,000 Jewish residents were murdered. Italian personalities, including Blasco Lanza d'Ajeta di Trabia, resisted the deportation of around 4,000 to 5,000 Jews from the area annexed by Italy.

When Benito Mussolini von Ciano took over the office of foreign minister in February 1943 and sent him as ambassador to the Holy See , Blasco Lanza d'Ajeta di Trabia became secretary of the embassy there.

In 1944 Blasco Lanza d'Ajeta di Trabia was appointed envoy of the government of Pietro Badoglio in Lisbon . From 1945 to 1949 he was first class legation secretary in London . From May 8, 1952 to February 26, 1955, he was ambassador to Tokyo .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Garland, Albert N., Smyth, Howard McGaw, The Mediterranean Theater of Operations : Sicily and the Surrender of Italy, p. 297
  2. ^ Eds. Mathias Bernath, Felix von Schröder, Biographical Lexicon for the History of Southeast Europe: LP. 3; Jonathan Steinberg, All or Nothing  : The Axis and the Holocaust 1941-43.
  3. ^ Ray Moseley, Mussolini : The Last 600 Days of Il Duce, p. 20
predecessor Office successor
Giovanni Revedin Di San Martino Italian ambassador to Tokyo
Marcello Del Drago