Blashenwell Farm Pit

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Coordinates: 50 ° 37 '26.1 "  N , 2 ° 4' 9.2"  W.

Map: United Kingdom
Blashenwell Farm Pit
United Kingdom

The 11.4 hectare area Blashenwell Farm Pit is located north of the farmhouse Blashenwell farm in the county of Dorset in England . It was in 1985 at a Site of Special Scientific Interest declared ( Engl. Site of Special Scientific Interest ). Scientifically valuable is a tuff deposition, during the Flandriums was formed. It contains fossils of molluscs and archaeological remains and forms a long, uninterrupted outcrop .

Blashenwell Farm is south of Corfe Castle , between Kingston and Church Knowle . The western part of the site is currently used as a cultivation area for corn.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Notification Document SSSI (English)