Blistering cup

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Blistering cup
Bladder cup Peziza vesiculosa.jpg

Blistered cup ( Peziza vesiculosa )

Subdivision : Real ascent mushrooms (Pezizomycotina)
Class : Pezizomycetes
Order : Cuplets (Pezizales)
Family : Beaker relatives (Pezizaceae)
Genre : Real muglings ( Peziza )
Type : Blistering cup
Scientific name
Peziza vesiculosa
Bull  .: Fr.

The bubble cup ( Peziza vesiculosa ), also called bubble-shaped or bubble cup , is a type of mushroom from the family of the cup relatives .


Macroscopic features

The vesicular cup forms fleshy, brittle, easily breakable apothecia , which are spherical to vesicular in the early stage and spread when ripe. Usually several of them stand next to each other. The edge is curled inwards and wavy irregularly. The whitish or pale ocher outside is flaky and floury to flaky and has numerous small blisters. The diameter is 3–9 cm. The inside of the cup carries the fruit layer . It is smooth, at first pale yellowish brown and later in milk coffee color. The short stem is colored like the outside of the cup and is often crooked.

Microscopic features

The spores are smooth, hyaline , elliptical, and 19–22 × 10–12.5 (–14) μm in size. The tubes are cylindrical and are 310-380 × 19-23 μm in size. The paraphyses are thread-like. A stratification of the Trama as in the short-stemmed Becherling can sometimes be observed, but not constant.

Ecology and phenology

The bubble cup grows from late March to early November on fertilized soil, old dung heaps and plant beds. The mushrooms often grow in clumps on dung heaps.

Peziza vesiculosa , operculate tube stained with iodine and resulting amyloid blue color



Individual evidence

  1. Steve Trudell, Joe Ammirati: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest . Timber Press, Portland / London 2009, ISBN 0-88192-935-2 , pp. 291 .

Web links

Commons : Blasiger Becherling ( Peziza vesiculosa )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files