Colombian giant toad

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Colombian giant toad
without rank: Amphibians (Lissamphibia)
Order : Frog (anura)
Subordination : Neobatrachia
Family : Toads (Bufonidae)
Genre : Real toads ( bufo )
Type : Colombian giant toad
Scientific name
Bufo blombergi
Myers & Funkhouser , 1951

The Colombian giant toad ( Bufo blombergi , syn .: Rhaebo blombergi ), also known as the Blomberg toad , is a frog from the toad family . The art epithet honors the Swedish explorer Rolf Blomberg , who discovered the species in 1950.


With a maximum head-torso length of about 24 centimeters, it is considered the largest toad on earth (compare also: cane toad ) and, after the goliath frog, is one of the world's largest frogs.

The species has a plump shape and a pale brown, warty skin on top. The flanks are set off darker, while the belly side is light again.

Habitat and way of life

It lives in moist, swampy forest areas in a strip along the Pacific coast of Colombia and Ecuador . With up to 50,000 eggs in one breeding season, it produces more spawn than almost any other amphibian. As is typical for toads, this is released into the water in long strings.


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