Rolf Blomberg

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Rolf Blomberg (* 11. November 1912 in Stocksund , Sweden , † 8. December 1996 in Quito , Ecuador ) was a Swedish explorer , nonfiction - author , photographer and documentary filmmaker .


In 1934 Blomberg traveled to South America for the first time, visiting Ecuador and the Galápagos Islands . During the Second World War he worked as a neutral war correspondent in Indonesia. He supported resistance organizations and helped people who were trapped in Japanese concentration camps. After the war, Blomberg returned to Ecuador, where he visited the Huaorani Indians. In the region of Llanganates he failed in attempts to find the lost treasure of the Inca general Rumiñahui . In 1950 Blomberg discovered the Colombian giant toad ( Bufo blombergi ), which is considered the largest toad in the world.

In 1955 Blomberg became a member of the Explorers Club in New York. In the following years he joined the Travelers Clubs of Stockholm , Gothenburg and Malmö in Sweden. Blomberg was married twice to Ecuadorian women, the first time to Emma Robinson, who died in 1952, and the second time to the artist Araceli Gilbert . In 1968 he moved to Ecuador.

With his Hasselblad camera, which he had personally received from Victor Hasselblad , he took more than 35,000 photos all over the world.

Blomberg produced 33 documentaries for Swedish television. He has led several film expeditions to Ecuador (including the Galápagos Islands), Indonesia , Australia , Colombia , Brazil and Peru .

Rolf Blomberg is the author of 20 books and hundreds of articles that have been published in magazines such as Life , Sea Frontiers and National Geographic . Many of his books have been translated into other languages, including Spanish, English, Danish, Norwegian, Russian, Czech, Polish, and German. Three quarters of his productions are about the culture, nature and history of Ecuador.

Blomberg's work has influenced many social scientists around the world. His reports of human rights violations against ethnic groups served as inspiration for the establishment of organizations such as Cultural Survival in Cambridge, Massachusetts and Iwgia in Oslo , which contributed to the flourishing of social and cultural studies in Ecuador.


  • 1939: Underliga male and underliga djur: strövtåg på Galapagos and i Amazonas
  • 1947: Sydvart
  • 1949: Vildar: en berättelse om aucaindianerna i Ecuador.
  • 1951: Såna djur finns (German: There are such animals, 1957)
  • 1952: Ecuador: Andean Mosaic
  • 1956: Guld att hämta (German: Anaconda, film hunt in the jungle of Ecuador and Colombia, 1957)
  • 1958: Xavante: från sköna Rio till de dödas flod
  • 1964: Male corporation i djungeln
  • 1966: Rio Amazonas
  • 1968: América del Sur y Central (with Jean Dorst ) (German: South America and Central America, 1978)
  • 2005: Blomberg Ecuador: Fotografías de Rolf Blomberg, 1934 a 1979 (published posthumously by the Archivo Blomberg in Quito)


  • 1954: Anaconda
  • 1957: Jangada

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