Bo Lindell

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Bo Gustaf Lindell (born August 1, 1922 in Stockholm , Sweden ; † November 10, 2016 there ) was a Swedish physicist and university professor. He was internationally active in the field of radiation protection .


Bo Lindell was born the son of banker Gustaf Lindell and his wife Lisa, nee Williamson. He graduated from the 1949 Royal Institute of Technology and acquired in 1953 in Stockholm a licentiate . From 1948 to 1965 he worked at the radiation physics institution of the Karolinska Institute under Rolf Sievert . He received his doctorate in 1965 and from 1965 to 1982 was professor and director of the Swedish Radiation Protection Institute, the predecessor of today's Radiation Safety Authority .

Bo Lindell worked for the International Commission on Radiation Protection ( ICRP) for 28 years: he was its secretary from 1957 to 1962. From 1962 he was a member of the main committee of the ICRP, was a member of committee 4 (application of the recommendations of the commission) until 1965, then chairman of committee 3 (radiation protection in medicine) until 1977, and from 1969 vice-president under Rolf Sievert and Eric Pochin and von 1977 to 1985 the eighth President of the ICRP. When he left, he was made an honorary member emeritus. He played a key role in shaping the recommendations of the ICRP in 1977 (ICRP publication 26).

From 1965 to 1988 he represented Sweden at UNSCEAR , the United Nations Scientific Committee for the Study of the Effects of Atomic Radiation, and was its Vice-President under Gordon Butler in 1968 and 1969, and its President in 1970 and 1971 and again in 1987 and 1988 . In the International Radiation Protection Society (IRPA) he was a member of the executive council from 1966 to 1973. In 1988 he was head of the Swedish Association for Risk Assessment Riskkollegiet .

From 1976 Bo Lindell was a member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering Kungliga Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien and was awarded an honorary doctorate from the Royal Technical University in 1982.

From 1947 he was married to his wife Marrit, née Sandberg.


His main work includes four books on the history of radiation physics and radiation protection:

  • History of Radiation Research: Part 1: Pandora's Box. The time before World War II. Verlag Florian Isensee, 2004, ISBN 3-89995-082-8 .
  • History of radiation research: Part 2: The sword of Damocles. Decade of the atomic bomb: 1940-1950. About radiation, radioactivity and radiation protection. Verlag Florian Isensee, 2007, ISBN 978-3-89995-361-9 .
  • Herkules storverk: strålningens, radioaktivitetens och strålskyddets historia, del 3, åren 1950-1966. (For example: Herculean achievement: history of radiation, radioactivity and radiation protection, part 3, the years 1950 to 1966. ) Verlag Atlantis, 2003, ISBN 91-7486-744-X .
  • Sisyfos möda: Strålningens, radioaktivitetens och strålskyddets historia, del 4, Åren 1966 och framåt. (For example: Sisyphus work: History of radiation, radioactivity and radiation protection, part 4, since 1966. ) Verlag Atlantis 2011, ISBN 978-91-7353-397-3 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h Passing of Bo Lindell, 5th Scientific Secretary and 8th Chairman of ICRP (with photo by Bo Lindell). Website of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) (accessed December 14, 2016).
  2. a b Lindell, Bo . In: Hans Uddling, Katrin Paabo (ed.): Vem är det. Svensk biografisk handbok 1993 . 41. Vol. PA Norstedt & Söners Förlag, Stockholm 1992, ISBN 91-1914072-X , p. 671 (Swedish, ).
  3. ^ Officers of UNSCEAR. UNSCEAR website (accessed December 14, 2016).
  4. Honorary doctors at KTH. Royal Institute of Technology website (accessed December 14, 2016).