Bona Mansio Island

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Bona Mansio Island
Waters Papasov Passage
Archipelago Biscoe Islands ( West Antarctica )
Geographical location 66 ° 15 ′ 6 ″  S , 67 ° 6 ′ 25 ″  W Coordinates: 66 ° 15 ′ 6 ″  S , 67 ° 6 ′ 25 ″  W
Bona Mansio Island (Antarctic Peninsula)
Bona Mansio Island
length 750 m
width 635 m
surface 30 ha

Bona Mansio Island ( English ; Bulgarian остров Бона Мансио ostrow Bona Mansio ) is an icy, east-west orientation 750 m long, 635 m wide and 30  hectare large island in the archipelago of the Biscoe Islands west of the Antarctic Peninsula . It is located 90 m east-southeast of St. Christopher Island , 2.55 km southeast of Talbott Point on DuBois Island and 2.55 km southwest of Edholm Point on Krogh Island in the Papasow Passage .

The Bulgarian Commission for Antarctic Geographical Names named it in 2020 after the Roman camp Bona Mansio in southern Bulgaria .

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