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Boso stands for:

The following people were called boso or boson :

  • From the families of the bosonids and buvinids :
    • Boso of Arles , called the old man († before 855), Count of Arles and in Italy, ancestor of the bosonids
    • Boso († 874/878), count in Italy, his son
    • Boso of Vienne (of Provence, of Niederburgund) († 887), Count of Vienne, King of Niederburgund, grandson of Bosos of Arles
    • Boso of Tuscien († after 936), Count of Avignon, Margrave of Tuscien, grandson of Duke Hugbert of Transjurania, great-grandson of Boso of Arles
    • Boso († 949/951), Bishop of Piacenza, Arch Chancellor of the HRR, illegitimate son of King Hugo of Italy, Hugbert's grandson
    • Boso I (Provence) (895–935), Count of Provence, son-in-law of Bosos of Avignon
    • Boso II (Provence) († 965/967), Count of Avignon and Arles