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Insignia of the bosonids

The bosonids were a Frankish noble family from the Carolingian era . They are the descendants of Count Boso of Arles , who played a prominent role in Burgundy and Italy in the 9th and 10th centuries .

The most important family members are:

as well as the Marquis of Tuscia (see also list of rulers of Tuscany ):

  • Boso (931-936)
  • Hubert (935-967 / 970)
  • Hugo (970-1001)

Tribe list

  1. Boso the Old , † before 855, 807/828 attested, Count of Arles and in Italy, exchanged property in Nijmegen for property in County Vercelli in 826
    1. Boso, † 874/878, Count in Italy, ⚭ Engiltrude von Orléans , daughter of Count Matfried
      1. 2 daughters
    2. Hugbert , X 864 at Orbe , Duke of Transjurania , Abbot of Saint-Maurice , 855 guardian of his sister Teutberga
      1. Theotbald , † between June 887 and around 895, Count of Arles ; ⚭ I 879/881 Berta von Lothringen , * probably 863, † March 8, 925, daughter of King Lothar II of Lorraine, buried in Lucca ( Carolingian ), married in 890/898 to Adalbert II the Rich , Margrave von Tuscien , Count of Canossa , † 10/19. September 915 ( Bonifacius House )
        1. Hugo , † April 10, 947, 903 Count of Vienne , 926 King of Italy ; ⚭ I Willa, widow of Rudolf I, King of Burgundy ( Welfen ); ⚭ II around 924 Alda the Elder ; ⚭ III around 932 Marozia , † 932/937 probably in captivity, widow of Alberich I Margrave of Spoleto and Wido, Margrave of Tuscien , daughter of the Roman senator Theophylact and Theodora ( Tusculans ); ⚭ IV December 12, 937 Berta von Schwaben , † after January 2, 966, daughter of Burchard II Duke of Swabia ( Burchardinger ), widow of Rudolf II, King of Burgundy (Welfen)
          1. Hubert (mother: Wandelmodis (nobilissima)), † between September 15, 967 and March 970, 941/945 Count Palatine , 937 Margrave of Tuscien (expelled and reinstated after February 13, 962), 942/943 - early 945 Duke and Margrave by Spoleto and Camerino , founders of Badia in Florence ; ⚭ around 945 Willa, daughter of Bonifacius (I) Duke and Margrave of Spoleto and Camerino
            1. Hugo, * after 950, † December 21, 1001 in Pistoia , 967/970 Duke and Margrave of Tuscien , 986 / 987–996 after June Margrave and Duke of Spoleto and Camerino, buried in the Badia in Florence; ⚭ NN
              1. Willa (Villia), Margravine, founded the monastery of San Michele in Quiesa near Pisa in 1025 ; ⚭ Tested before January 24, 1019 Arduin-Ardicio, 1025/1038, probably Count of Versilia
            2. Waldrada, † after 976; ⚭ around 936 before August 26th Pietro IV. Candiano , Doge of Venice , † slain August 11th 976 in Venice.
          2. Alda the Younger (also: Hilda), † 954; ⚭ 936 Alberich II. , Patricius and princeps of the Romans, † May 14, 964 ( Tusculans )
          3. Lothar II , † November 22, 950 in Turin , 931 with king of Italy ; ⚭ 947 before June 27th Adelheid of Burgundy , † December 16, 999, daughter of Rudolf II. King of Burgundy ( Welfen ), married the later Emperor Otto I ( Liudolfinger ) in October 951 - through his marriage to Adelheid King Otto receives the Iron Crown of the Lombards and thereby becomes lord of Northern Italy
            1. Emma, ​​† October 12 after 989; ⚭ 966 Lothar King of the West Franconia , † March 2, 986 ( Carolingian )
          4. Berta / Eudokia (mother: Pezola, 926/930 attested) † autumn 949; ⚭ 944 Romanos II. , 959 Emperor of Byzantium , † murdered March 15, 963 ( Macedonian dynasty )
          5. Boso (mother: Pezola, see above), † May 949/951, 941 Bishop of Piacenza and Arch Chancellor of the Holy Roman Empire
          6. Rotlinde (mother: Rotrud, † after March 29, 945, daughter of Richard Waltpert from Pavia , widow of Count Palatine Giselbert), † after October 10, 1001; ⚭ I before March 29, 945 Count Elisiardus, † before September 948; ⚭ II around 950 Bernhard Graf von Pavia, † 976/1001
          7. Theobald (mother: Stephania) before 948/961 archdeacon of Milan
          8. Gottfried (mother unknown), Abbot of Nonantola
        2. Boso , † after 936, 911/931 Count of Avignon and Vaisin , 926/931 Count of Arles , 931/936 Margrave of Tuscien ; ⚭ Willa, attested in 936, daughter of Rudolf I, King of Burgundy ( Welfen ).
          1. Berta, † after August 18, 965; ⚭ I around 928 Boso I Count of Provence , † 935 after September 13 ( Buviniden ); ⚭ II around 936 Raimund I Count of Rouergue , † 961/965, Margrave of Septimania , 936 Duke of Aquitaine
          2. Willa, † after 963 in the monastery; ⚭ around 930/931 Berengar II , † August 6, 866 in Bamberg , 924 Margrave of Ivrea , 950–961 / 962 King of Italy ( House of Burgundy-Ivrea )
          3. Richilde
          4. Gisla
        3. Teutberga, † before September 948; ⚭ Warnarius, X December 6th 924, 895 Vice- Count of Sens , 895/896 Count of Troyes
    3. Theutberga , † before November 25, 875, Abbess of Sainte-Glossinde in Metz ; ⚭ around 855, divorced in 862, Lothar II. King of Lotharingia , † August 8, 869 in Piacenza ( Carolingian )
    4. Richildis (Richeut) von Arles ⚭ Buvinus Graf von Metz , 842/862 ( Buviniden )
