Theotbald of Arles

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Theotbald (* 850/860; † June 887/895) was Count of Arles . He was the son of Duke Hugbert from the House of Bosonids , his mother is unknown.


In 879 he married Bertha, an illegitimate daughter of the Carolingian Lothar II ; her children were:

The existence of a second daughter emerges from a document from the year 924, but nothing more is known about her.

Theotbald is count of Arles around 879/880 and is in the entourage Boso von Viennes , the new king of Lower Burgundy , with whom he is related. The Annales Vedastini (Annals of the Abbey of Saint-Vaast ) report that Teutbaldum filium Hucberti (Theotbald, son of Hugbert ) was seriously wounded by Heinricus in 880 in a battle against Bosonem tyrannum (the tyrant Boso). He was then pursued with the Alsatian Duke Hugo and had to flee to Provence.

The date of his death is unknown, it lies between 887 and 895. His widow Bertha married in 895 (or between 890/898) to Adalbert the Rich , Margrave of Tuscia .


  • Paul-Albert Février (Ed.): La Provence des origines à l'an mil - Editions Ouest-France Université . 1989. ISBN 2-7373-0456-3

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Projects-MedLands-PROVENCE: Article on THEOTBALD , also for the other dates.
  2. comtes de Provence
  3. Paul-Albert Février (ed.): La Provence des origines à l'an mil , p. 486.