Gladbach messenger office

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The Gladbach messenger office was one of six messenger offices into which the Porz office in the Duchy of Berg was divided from the 15th to the 19th century. In addition to Gladbach, there were the messenger offices Herkenrath , Merheim , Odenthal (since 1631 pledge of the barons von Wolff-Metternich ), Porz and Stammheim . In addition, the Scheiderhöhe messenger office had a special role.

The messenger office belonged to the Bensberg Higher Court and was divided into the honors Sand , Paffrath , Combüchen , Gladbach and Gronau .

Under French administration between 1806 and 1813, the Porz office was dissolved and the Gladbach messenger office became politically the Mairie Gladbach in the canton of Bensberg in the Mülheim am Rhein arrondissement . In 1816 the Prussians converted the Mairie to the mayor's office in Gladbach in the Mülheim am Rhein district .


  • Anton Jux: The Bergisch Botenamt, the history of Bergisch Gladbach up to the Prussian era , published by the Culture Office of the City of Bergisch Gladbach, Bergisch Gladbach 1964

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Portal of the archives in NRW. Retrieved August 17, 2017 .
  2. JC Dänzer: Décret impérial sur la circonscription territoriale du grand-duché de Berg… Imperial decree on the division of the Grand Duchy of Berg . 1808.