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Bovollino , Bavolin, Boelini, Boullins is a Graubünden / Lombard noble family that can be traced back to the 15th century.

As the leading family in the Misox Valley, they offered bitter resistance to the Italian-French military leader Gian Giacomo Trivulzio . In 1525 Gaspare Bovelino, at that time the highest judge of the valley, refused to comply with the request of the Marchese Trivulzio and to reverse the sale of the strategically important Castello di Mesocco . Gian Giacomo Trivulzio had sold it to the citizens of Mesocco , collected most of the agreed price, but then wanted to withdraw from the agreement. On Trivulzio's orders, Gaspare Bovelino was finally arrested and thrown from the battlements for high treason.

In the Habsburg-French conflict over the territories in northern Italy (1521–1526), ​​they intervened for the Habsburg party and since then have remained practically uninterrupted in imperial-royal military service. During the Turkish wars under the command of the general Eugene of Savoy , a close connection with the Styrian line of Count Breuner was established . From 1772 in Galicia . From 1916 in Vienna and Graz.

Important family members:

  • Gaspare Bovelino (1472-1525)
  • Martino Bovelino (1477–1531) poet, diplomat and scholar. He was murdered in Cantu (Lombardy) on the orders of the Medici family .
  • Wolfgang Russ-Bovelino (1905–1985) composer, conductor, music advisor to the City of Vienna. Known as a composer primarily for his "Gypsy romances" and the film music for many Austrian films of the late 1940s and 1950s.
