
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Waters Cooperation Lake , Southern Ocean
Geographical location 67 ° 7 ′  S , 58 ° 36 ′  E Coordinates: 67 ° 7 ′  S , 58 ° 36 ′  E
Brøka (Antarctica)

Brøka (Norwegian for knee breeches ) is a 6 km long and up to 140  m high island off the coast of the East Antarctic Kemplands . It is 3 km north of the Law Promontory and 1.5 km west of the Havstein .

Norwegian cartographers mapped it using aerial photographs taken during the Lars Christensen Expedition in 1936/37 . When naming it, they were reminded of knee breeches, given the shape of the island. This shape is determined by a bay on the north coast of the island.

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