Braemar Castle

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Braemar Castle

Braemar Castle is a castle in the high valley of the Scottish River Dee in the Braemars area .


Braemar Castle was founded in 1628 by John Erskine, 18th Earl of Mar , Treasurer of Jacob VI. , built. The castle served as a hunting lodge for extensive hunting parties of the Scottish king , but also as a bulwark against the increasing power of the Farquharsons clan, which was oriented towards England .

In 1689, the Farquharsons, led by John Farquharson, the Black Colonel of Inverey , managed to capture and burn the castle.

John Erskine, 23rd Earl of Mar , led the Jacobite Rising of 1715 . After this revolt was put down, Braemar Castle was confiscated by the Crown and given as a reward to the Farquharson clan. The castle remained in ruins until 1748; afterwards it was leased to the Crown for an annual rent of £ 14, subject to the condition that it was rebuilt, and used it as a garrison for Hanoverian troops.

A report from 1800 describes Braemar Castle as a castle with an intact moat. In 1831 the garrison stationed there was disbanded and the castle returned to the Farquharson clan. Under the direction of the 12th Laird of Invercauld the renovation began a residential building, in which Queen Victoria before moving to Balmoral Castle resided when the Highland Games visited Braemar.

In 2006 Braemar Castle, which is still owned by the Clan Farquharson, was opened to the public. The castle has been open to visitors since 2008 and is now looked after by volunteers; the proceeds go to a local charity.


Braemar Castle is a typical example of "L Plan" castle building in the mid-18th century. A ring wall stretches in a star shape as a bastion around the castle; this requirement corresponded to the nature of his time and the specifications of the builders for defense against artillery fire (see also Vauban ).

The main tower of the castle is five stories high, made of granite and encloses a partially visible, round stair tower. The entrance portal and many of the bars in front of the windows are still original.

The ground floor with a stone vaulted ceiling includes a barred access to the cellar dungeon, the guards' room, the ammunition chamber and the original cooking areas, which are incorporated in niches in the outer walls. A second kitchen was added in Victorian times.

The three floors above each consist of a large room in the main tower and a small room in the side tower. These are the Dining Room and the Morning Room on the first floor ; The Laird's Day Room and the Rose Room are on the second floor . Between these is a small bathroom that was built in 1901. On the third floor is the Drawing Room , in which early forms of graffiti by the Hanoverian troops can be found on the shutters; as well as the Four Poster Bedroom . Contrary to the scheme, there are three rooms on the fourth floor: the Ladies Guest Bedroom , the Gentlemans Guest Bedroom and the Principal Bedroom . The two upper floors were used by members of the Farquharson family on their visits to the last.

The interiors are richly decorated with stucco ceilings and wooden panels in Victorian style; the austere exterior of the castle is loosened up by small oriel towers.


  • Christina Gambaro, Giulia Gaida (Red.): Scotland - castles and palaces . Karl Müller, Cologne 2003, ISBN 3-89893-075-0 , p. 90-91 .

Web links

Commons : Braemar Castle  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 57 ° 0 ′ 54 ″  N , 3 ° 23 ′ 30 ″  W.