Brandy bream

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Brandy bream
Oblada melanura Livorno.jpg

Brandy bream ( Oblada melanura )

Spinefish (Acanthopterygii)
Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Spariformes
Family : Sea bream (Sparidae)
Genre : Oblada
Type : Brandy bream
Scientific name of the  genus
F. Cuvier , 1829
Scientific name of the  species
Oblada melanura
( Linnaeus , 1758)

The sea ​​bream ( Oblada melanura ), also known as Oblada , is a food fish that has been known since ancient times and is native to the Mediterranean and Atlantic, but has now become relatively rare. It is the only species of the Oblada genus from the sea ​​bream family (Sparidae).


The brandy bream has a tall, laterally strongly flattened body, which is covered with large, loosely fitting scales. The head is relatively small, the eyes are very large and the pupils are teardrop-shaped. The dorsal fin is reinforced and elongated with pointed spines, the pectoral fins are very long and sickle-shaped and the caudal fin is firmly and deeply forked. The mouth of the brandy bream is on top and has small, pointed teeth. The body of the fish is shiny silver with faint dark vertical stripes and has a distinctive black spot at the base of the tail. The back is colored a little darker than the belly. The maximum size of the sea bream is 36 centimeters, the maximum weight is 525 grams. On average, brandy bream are between 15 and 25 centimeters long.

Brandebream caught in Croatia

Way of life

The fire bream lives in small schools in the open water near the coast. It is a free-swimming predatory fish that can be found in water depths from the surface of up to 30 meters, but never directly on the seabed. Larger specimens live solitary and also hunt far away from the coast in the open sea. The brandy bream is a fast and agile swimmer that can quickly cover great depths.

The sea bream feeds on small fish such as earfish, anchovies, sardines, sardinella and sand eels, on crustaceans such as shrimps and copepods as well as on small cephalopods and molluscs. In the vicinity of the bank, bream also eat thrown bread and fishing waste.


The sea bream lives in the north-eastern Atlantic and the entire Mediterranean, where it can be found near the surface.

Fishing and exploitation

The brandy bream is an extremely tasty food fish with fine, white meat that is used both raw and grilled, fried, baked or steamed. It is caught with gillnets, trawls and longlines . The meat spoils quickly, so the brandy bream is hardly available off the coast.

The fishing rod is used to pursue the bream with fine lines and baits such as small fish, pieces of squid or bread flakes that are offered on float assemblies. The fish fight hard, but are very sensitive and should therefore not be released.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Louisy, Patrick: "Europe and the Mediterranean - European Fish Identification Giude". Ulmer, 2015.
  2. a b c Brandbrasse on (English)