Bransfield Street

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Bransfield Street
View from Livingston Island onto Bransfield Street
View from Livingston Island onto Bransfield Street
Connects waters Weddell Sea
with water Southern ocean
Separates land mass Antarctic Peninsula
of land mass Southern group of the South Shetland Islands
Geographical location 63 ° 0 ′  S , 59 ° 0 ′  W Coordinates: 63 ° 0 ′  S , 59 ° 0 ′  W
Bransfield Strait (Antarctic Peninsula)
Bransfield Street
length 300 km
Smallest width 100 km
Greatest depth 2000 m

The Bransfield Strait ( English Bransfield Strait ) is a sea strait in the far north of the Antarctic Peninsula . In the north it is bounded by the South Shetland Islands , in the south by the northern Graham Land , especially the Davis Coast and the west side of the Trinity Peninsula . It is named after its discoverer Edward Bransfield .

For many polar explorers, the Bransfield Strait is the first place they come into contact with Antarctica . Half of all Antarctic research stations are located on their coasts . Of particular importance is the Chilean Bernardo O'Higgins station on the southern coast in Graham Land.

Web links

Commons : Bransfieldstrasse  - Collection of images, videos and audio files