Brasserie des Franches Montagnes

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Brasserie des Franches Montagnes
legal form AG
founding 1997
Seat Saignelégier

"La Salamandre" by BFM

The Brasserie des Franches Montagnes (Brewery of the Freiberge ) is a brewery based in Saignelégier in Switzerland .

Company history

The brewery was founded in 1997 by Jérôme Rebetez, a trained winemaker . In 1997 he took part in a television competition (“Le rêve de vos 20 ans”, RTS ) and, together with other young people, presented ideas that they would like to realize. With his idea of ​​exploring the flavors of wine and whiskey with beer, Rebetez won 50,000 Swiss francs, which he invested in founding a brewery.

One of BFM's specialties is that their beers are top-fermented , unfiltered and unpasteurized . They are also refined with various additives such as sage (“La Meule”) or Lapsang Souchong tea (“La Bats”). Brewers are still looking for new and older brewing techniques in order to incorporate them into their operations - for example, some beers are matured in used wine or whiskey barrels . BFM has won various prestigious awards for its beers. In 2017, an investment of seven million Swiss francs was announced to increase production from 2000 to 6000 bottles per hour.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Pour ses 20 ans, la brasserie jurassienne BFM va s'agrandir en 2017.