Brewing and beverage technician

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Brewing and beverage technician is a recognized profession or apprenticeship in Austria in the field of food production . Brewing and beverage technicians produce beer as well as various other alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

job profile

One of the main areas of activity is the brewing of beer, for example they process brewing barley, malt and hops into wort. The production of other beverages from given recipes (e.g. fruit juices) is becoming increasingly important. In the production process, brewing and beverage technicians clean, sort and store the raw materials and combat any pest infestation that may occur. They use machines for most of the work steps necessary for beverage production. In large production companies, they primarily monitor and control individual sub-areas of the production process. Brewing and beverage technicians mainly work in large companies in the brewery and beverage industry. You will work with professional colleagues and other employees in the brewery and beverage industry.


The content of the training corresponds to the requirements and tasks of the occupation. In Austria, apprentices are trained for three years in the dual training system at vocational schools and in training companies. In this way they acquire theoretical and practical knowledge and skills, which they use to take the final apprenticeship examination at the end of their training . Related apprenticeships can be completed with a shorter apprenticeship period, such as B. Food technology or production technician .

Numerous subject-specific advanced training courses are available, as well as training to become a foreman in Austria . For higher qualifications at colleges, technical colleges and universities, you need the vocational matura (vocational matriculation examination), which consists of the final apprenticeship examination and four other exams.


See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Training ordinance of the Austrian Ministry of Economics ( Memento of the original from February 20, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF file; 61 kB) valid since January 1, 2006  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Training and further education information from the Institute for Economic Research: BerufsInformationsComputer (BIC)