Brewery to the three kings

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Brewery "To the Three Kings"
legal form
founding 1788
resolution 1906
Seat Weißenburg in Bavaria
Branch brewery

Former inn "To the Three Kings" in Weißenburg

The former brewery to the three kings in Weißenburg in Bavaria , often referred to as the Held brewery , was located at Frauentorstraße 11.


Remains of the brewery building "To the three kings"

The history of the house goes back to the year 1729/1730, when a Johann Caspar Fleischmann had a new living and tavern built. In 1788 Johann Christoph Ebert received permission from the city council to build his own brewery. From 1833 the brewery was owned by the Held family. Christian Held was the owner from 1833 to 1866, August Held from 1866 to 1898, and Berta Held, August Held's widow from 1898 to 1903. From 1903 until the brewery was sold to the Müller brewery (today Sigwart) in 1906, August Held was the owner of the brewery.

Summer cellar

In 1788, when the brewery was built, Ebert had a summer cellar dug below the so-called Araunerskeller . From 1793 a cellar house is also mentioned there. With the sale of the brewery in 1906, the summer cellar ("Heldkeller") was closed and sold, and a leaf dyeing factory was operated there at times .

Individual evidence

  1. Stefan Dauner, Reiner Kammerl, Gernot Römhild: Stein jugs Weißenburger breweries and restaurants. P. 3.