Brown ribbon hamlet perch

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Brown ribbon hamlet perch
Hypoplectrus puella.jpg

Brown banded hamlet perch ( Hypoplectrus puella )

Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Perch-like (Perciformes)
Family : Sawfish (Serranidae)
Subfamily : Actual perch (Serraninae)
Genre : Hamlet perch ( Hypoplectrus )
Type : Brown ribbon hamlet perch
Scientific name
Hypoplectrus puella
( Cuvier , 1828)

The brown banded hamlet perch ( Hypoplectrus puella ) is a small marine fish from the family of saw basses (Serranidae). It occurs near the coast almost in the entire Caribbean , in the eastern Gulf of Mexico , where it is the only species of Hamlet perch, as well as in the Bahamas and the Bermuda Islands .


The brown ribbon hamlet perch can reach a maximum length of 15.2 cm. The fish have a cream-colored to yellowish basic color with six brownish, vertical stripes. The first runs through the eye, the second extends from the “neck” to the base of the pectoral fin, the third is very wide and runs from below the front section of the dorsal fin to the abdomen. The two other stripes lie below the soft-rayed section of the dorsal fin and the sixth lies on the caudal peduncle. In addition, the head and torso are patterned with blue lines. The pectoral fins are transparent, the pelvic fins are whitish or yellowish.

Way of life

The brown ribbon hamlet perch is the most common species of hamlet perch and lives at depths of three to 23 meters in rock and coral reefs. The fish are solitary and always stay close to hiding places. Like other Hamlet perches, the brown banded Hamlet perch feed on zooplankton , small crustaceans and small fish.

supporting documents

  1. a b c Michael L. Domeier (1994): Speciation in the serranid fish Hypoplectrus . Bulletin of Marine Science 54 (1): 103-141. Page 106.
  2. a b c Hypoplectrus puella on (English)
  3. a b Ewald Lieske, Robert F. Myers: Coral fish of the world . 1994, year publisher, ISBN 3-86132-112-2