Brno Mountains

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The Brno Uplands ( Brněnská vrchovina in Czech ) is a geomorphological sub-unit of the Bohemian-Moravian Subprovince ( Česko-Moravská subprovincie ) in the Czech Republic . It is located north of the city of Brno ( Brno ) in Central Moravia .


The Brno Uplands border in the north on the Orlická oblast and Jesenická oblast , in the east and south on the Western Outer Carpathian Depression ( Západní Vněkarpatské sníženiny ), in the west on the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands ( Českomorchovina ) and in the northwest to the East Bohemian Table Country ( Východočeská tabule ).

The mountainous region is divided into the Boskovice furrow ( Boskovická brázda ), the Bobrawa mountainous region ( Bobravská vrchovina ) and the Drahaner mountainous region ( Drahanská vrchovina ). The most famous part of the Brno Upland is the Moravian Karst ( Moravský kras ) belonging to the Drahan Upland .

The highest elevation is 735 m above sea level. M. the Skalky located in the Konická vrchovina . The largest river is the Svitava .