Bronisław Świderski

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Bronisław Świderski (born April 19, 1946 in Łódź ) is a Polish prose writer and essayist .


Świderski was born in Łódź and moved to Warsaw with his family in 1950 . There he attended grammar school and graduated from high school in 1964. He then briefly studied Polish studies at the University of Warsaw and switched to sociology in 1966 . Because of his participation in the student protests, he was sent to a penal colony for a month in March 1968 and expelled from the university in April. When he received an exit document in February 1970, he emigrated to Denmark . He settled in Copenhagen and continued his sociology studies at the University of Copenhagen . There he obtained his master's degree in 1977 and lectured at the Institute for Slavic Studies from 1980 to 1994. He also edited the magazine Svantevit from 1986 to 1988 . Dansk tidsskrift for slavistik . Since 1990 he has published in various Polish newspapers and magazines.

He lives in Copenhagen.



  • Autobiography , 1981, with Jan Świderski
  • Revolutions som dialog. De polske konspiratorer imod Rusland 1861–1864 , 1981
  • Poland efter 1945. En bibliografi over informationsmidler , 1984
  • Myth and scholarship. University students and political development in XIX century Poland , 1988
  • Gdańsk i Ateny. O demokracji bezpośredniej w Polsce , 1996
  • Kiedy mogę zabić? Dyskusje o kulturze i przemocy , 2012
  • Czepiam się Kierkegaarda , 2015


  • Słowa obcego , 1998
  • Asystent śmierci. Powieść o karykaturach Mahometa, o miłości i nienawiści w Europie , 2007


  • Søren Kierkegaard : Powtórzenie. Próba psychologii eksperymentalnej przez Constantina Constantinusa , 1992
  • Søren Kierkegaard: Powtórzenie; Przedmowy , 2000


Web links

  • Alicja Szałagan: Bronisław Świderski. In: Polscy pisarze i badacze literatury przełomu XX i XXI wieku. Retrieved October 10, 2018 (Polish).