Bulgarian princes list

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Page from the List of Bulgarian Khans (now in the Moscow State Historical Museum ).

The Bulgarian Princes List , also the name book of Bulgarian Khans ( Bulgarian Именник на българските ханове ) is a short manuscript listing the names of some early Bulgarian rulers, the time of their reign and their clan affiliation. The listing was discovered by Russian historian Alexander Popov during his research on Russian chronicles. So far, three Russian copies of the document have been discovered. The earliest transcription by Sergei Semjonowitsch Uvarow is dated to the 15th century and the other two by Mikhail Pogodin to the 16th century.

There are some differences in the way names are written in the individual manuscripts, but they have one thing in common: none of the manuscripts mention the Central Asian title Khan . The ruler Asparuch (the founder of Danube Bulgaria ) and his five predecessors have a different title, namely the Slavic title Knjaz , which roughly means "king".

The Uvarow transcription (old Bulgarian)

Уваров ръкопис (15-16 век)

Авитохолъ житъ лѣт. ҃Т. рѡд ему Дуло. а лѣт ему дилѡмъ твирем. Ирникъ. житъ лѣт. ҃Ри. рѡд ему Дуло. а лѣт ему дилом тверимь. Гостунъ наместникь сьï два лѣта. рѡд ему. Ерми. а лѣт ему дохсъ. втиремь. Курт: ҃ѯ лѣт дръжа. рѡд ему Дуло. а лѣт ему шегоръ вечемь. Безмеръ ҃г. лѣт. а рѡд сему Дуло. а лѣт ему шегоръ вемь. сii ҃е кнѧз. дръжаше кнѧженïе обону страну Дунаѧ. лѣтъ. ҃Ф.҃еі. остриженами главами. И потѡм пріиде на страну Дунаѧ. Исперих кнѧз тожде и доселѣ. Есперих кнѧз. ҃Ѯа лѣт. рѡд Дуло. а лѣт ему верени алем. Тервен. ҃Ка. лѣто. рѡд ему Дуло. а лѣт ему текучитем. твирем. ҃Ки. лѣт. рѡд ему Дуло. а рѡд ему дваншехтем. Севаръ. ҃Еі. лѣт. рѡд ему Дуло. а лѣт ему тохалтом. Кормисошь. ҃Зі. лѣт. рѡд ему Вокиль. а лѣт ему шегоръ твиремь. Сïи же княз измѣни рѡд Дулов. рекше Вихтунь. Винех. ҃З. лѣт. а рѡд ему Ѹкиль. а лѣтъ ему имаше Горалемь. Телець. ҃Г. лѣта. рѡд Ѹгаинь. а лѣт ему соморъ. алтемь. И сïй иного рад. Ѹморъ. ҃М. днïи. рѡд ему Ѹкиль а ему дилѡм тоутѡм.


  • Avitochol lived 300 years. His gender was Dulo and his year was dilom twirem .
  • Irnik lived 150 years. His sex was Dulo and his year was dilom twerim .
  • Gostun , the regent, was two years. His sex was Ermi and his year was still wrought .
  • Kurt ruled for 60 years. His sex was Dulo and his year was shegor wetschem .
  • Besmer 3 years and his sex was Dulo and his year was schegor whom .

These five knjazes ruled the empire on the other side of the Danube for 515 years with their heads shaved and then Knjaz Isperich came to this side of the Danube and until now (he rules).

  • Esperich Knjas 61 years (ruled). His gender was Dulo and his year was wereni alem .
  • Terwen 21 years. His sex was Dulo and his year was tekutschitem twirem .
  • Sewar 15 years. His sex was Dulo and his year was tochaltom .
  • Kormisosch 17 years. His sex was Wokil and his year was schegor twirem . With this Knjas the sex Dulo changed , d. H. Imp .
  • Winech 7 years. His gender was Ukil . and in his year there were gorals .
  • Telez 3 years. His gender was Ugain and his year was somor old . And he in the place of someone else.
  • Umor (ruled) 40 days. His gender was Ukil and his year was dilom tutom .

The words in italics are in Proto-Bulgarian and represent the year of accession to the throne of each ruler according to the Proto-Bulgarian calendar.

Some researchers see the Hun leader Attila in Avitochol . It is also assumed that Gostun from the Ermi family is Kubrat's maternal uncle . However, Kubrat's mansion on his father's side was Dulo .

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Inscriptions and Alphabet of the Proto-Bulgarians, by Peter Dobrev (en)