Federal Association of Self-Help for the Physically Disabled

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The Federal Association for Self-Help for the Physically Disabled (BSK) eV is a nationwide self-help association that sees itself as representing the interests of people with physical disabilities . It is recognized as a non-profit organization and is allowed to use the DZI's seal of approval .

The Federal Association of Self-Help for the Physically Disabled is one of the 78 selected associations in Germany that are allowed to carry out a model declaratory action .


The association was founded in 1955 by Eduard Knoll. As a so-called war disabled, Knoll, together with other victims, had the intention of creating jobs and housing for people with physical disabilities and thereby offering them a quality of life.

The association now has over 100 self-help groups. The self-help association is a non-profit organization. The work is financed exclusively through the support of sponsors, donors and members.

Club goals

Self-determined life without barriers for people with disabilities

The objectives of the statutes are in detail:

  • To enforce self-advocacy and self-determination of people with disabilities,
  • To demand and promote participation in society,
  • Prevent and reduce discrimination,
  • To demand equality for people with disabilities and their inclusion ,
  • to contribute to the self-fulfillment of people with physical disabilities,
  • promote the dismantling of barriers restricting mobility.
  • the implementation of the UN Disability Rights Convention


The association's headquarters are in Krautheim an der Jagst in Baden-Württemberg, where the federal office is also located. In addition, the BSK maintains a representative office in Berlin in order to organize the political representation of interests for people with disabilities on site.

A volunteer team of experts advises the members under the motto Affected people advise those affected ( peer counseling ) on the following topics:

Members can obtain advice from specialist lawyers (sometimes free of charge) on the following topics:

  • Social law
  • Medical and medical liability law
  • Anti-discrimination law
  • Provision, powers of attorney and inheritance law

Institutions of the federal association

  • Krautheimer workshops for people with disabilities (printing, print processing, industrial assembly, book trade, electrical waste recycling, metalworking, vocational training)
  • Eduard-Knoll-Wohnzentrum: (living space for people with physical disabilities)
  • BSK-Reisen (offers of group, active, youth and individual trips for people with physical disabilities, arranging travel assistance)
  • Hohenloher integration company HIU: (offers people with disabilities a job on the primary labor market)
  • Elsa Krauschitz Foundation: (Promotion of barrier-free forms of living for people with physical disabilities)

Memberships in other associations

Cooperation partner

Regional associations and subdivisions

Over 100 voluntary self-help groups work nationwide as so-called "subdivisions" for the goals of the association. They are structured in state associations or state representations, areas and contact points.

In contrast to the state representations in Brandenburg , Hesse , Lower Saxony , North Rhine-Westphalia , Rhineland-Palatinate , Saarland , Schleswig-Holstein and Thuringia , the state associations are legally independent:

  • Self-help for the physically handicapped State Association of Baden-Württemberg eV
  • State Association of Self-Help for Physically Disabled Bavaria eV
  • BSK Regional Association for Self-Help for the Physically Disabled Berlin eV
  • State Association of Self-Help for the Physically Disabled Saxony eV


  • LEBEN & WEG magazine, appears every three months, circulation: 10,000
  • as well as numerous advisory brochures, magazines and information services of the subdivisions, such as
  • ABC long-term care insurance
  • ABC barrier-free building and living
  • ABC Therapeutic Products Directive
  • ABC anti-discrimination law
  • Calendar "Small Gallery 2016 - My Favorite Job"
  • BSK holiday destinations 2019 - trips for people with disabilities (group trips, individual trips)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. John Schwaderer - sitegraph.de: German Central Institute for Social Issues "list of donation seal Organizations (alphabetical). In: www.dzi.de. Retrieved August 24, 2016 .
  2. ^ Federal Office of Justice: List of qualified institutions in accordance with Section 4 of the Injunctive Action Act (UKlaG). Retrieved June 6, 2019 .
  3. Media data. In: Homepage of the Federal Association of Self-Help for the Physically Disabled eV Federal Association for Self-Help for the Physically Disabled, accessed on August 24, 2016 .