Federal Association for Inpatient Addiction Help

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The Federal Association for Inpatient Addiction Aid e. V. (buss) is a professional association based in Kassel , which brings together around 160 inpatient and all-day outpatient facilities nationwide with around 7,000 places for the treatment and care of addicts.

The association

The association represents member institutions that treat alcohol , drug and drug addiction , gambling and online addiction as well as eating disorders . In 1903, the predecessor organization, the Association of Drinking Sanatoriums in the German-speaking area, was founded. The association is based in Kassel, where the office is also located. The association is financially independent, its work is financed from the contributions of the members.

tasks and goals

The association's work includes the following focal points:

  • Representation of the interests of the member institutions vis-à-vis service providers (in particular pension insurance and statutory health insurance) and politics (federal, state, local) through negotiations with the respective decision-makers and participation in the corresponding committees, discussion groups and bodies (e.g. on the topics of remuneration, quality assurance, KTL, Guidelines)
  • Public relations work in the form of health policy statements and the development of specialist positions for the specific care sectors of addiction aid
  • Passing on information to those affected, cooperation partners (including advice centers, doctors), the press and the specialist public; Help with finding suitable therapy places through the member database
  • Networking through cooperation with other institutions (including authorities, professional associations, scientific specialist societies) at home and abroad that are active in the field of care for people with addictions; Membership in the German Central Office for Addiction Issues (DHS) and in the Medical Rehabilitation Working Group (AG MedReha); Suggestion, promotion, implementation and publication of scientific projects
  • Communication and further training through the exchange of experience between all member institutions organized at federal and state level in quality circles, working groups, further training and workshops; Organization of the annual scientific conference in spring and the management conference in autumn; Publication of the "Kasseler Rundbrief" with current information from health and social policy, jurisprudence as well as from science and practice related to the field of addiction disorders; Provision of important documents (normative and legal bases, working aids, guidelines, etc.) in the members area on the association's homepage
  • Information and service for the member institutions with regard to technical (therapeutic and conceptual), organizational or administrative as well as care policy and legal issues; Support in problematic situations; Advice and representation of interests regarding documentation and quality assurance ; Support in questions of quality management and the certification process within the framework of the specially founded initiative German Society for Quality Management in Addiction Therapy (deQus); Creation of practice-oriented concepts for cross-institutional issues (e.g. on the topics of catamnesis, ICF)
  • Surveys and surveys among the member institutions on current and strategically important issues (including occupancy, remuneration) including analysis and, if necessary, initiation of projects; Support in benchmarking selected key figures and quality indicators
  • Together with the  German Orden Ordenswerke, addiction  aid division, the buss publishes the online magazine "KONTUREN online. Specialized portal on addiction and social issues" on www.konturen.de .

Wolfram Keup sponsorship award

Every two years the association awards the Wolfram-Keup-Förderpreis for the best scientific or practice-oriented work in the field of the development and treatment of substance abuse and addiction. From the legacy of the project “Early warning system for recording changes in the pattern of abuse of chemical substances in the Federal Republic of Germany”, which Professor Wolfram Keup initiated and directed until his death on January 4, 2007, has been published every two years since 2010 in memory of the founder the sponsorship award endowed with prize money of € 2,000 is publicly advertised and awarded.


As early as the end of the 1990s - even before the corresponding legal requirements were formulated - the association was concerned with the development and implementation of specific quality management systems in addiction care. This resulted in the initiative of deQus (German Society for Quality Management in Addiction Therapy) , which has supported over 100 member institutions in the introduction and certification of QM since 2001. The association works with the Society for Quality Management in Health Care (GQMG) .


The bus includes:

  • the board of directors consists of nine people (chair: Wibke Voigt)
  • the office in Kassel with four employees / inside (Managing Director: Gero Skowronek)
  • six regional working groups ( Baden-Württemberg , Bavaria , Hessen / Rhineland-Palatinate , North, North Rhine-Westphalia , East), which meet two to three times a year to exchange experiences and information
  • Six quality circles on the following topics: adaptation, acute treatment, drug therapy, day clinics, sociotherapy and work-related measures (Northern Germany), their work (two meetings per year), professional exchange of experience, advanced training, conceptual development and benchmarking with regard to selected ones Quality indicators is used
  • various temporary or permanent committees on special issues such as B. Documentation and statistics, KTL (classification of therapeutic services), ICF (WHO's International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health) and labor market integration

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