Buschenhagen (Niepars)

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Niepars parish
Coordinates: 54 ° 20 ′ 45 ″  N , 12 ° 53 ′ 45 ″  E
Height : 4 m above sea level NHN
Postal code : 18442
Area code : 038321
South-western entrance to the village
South-western entrance to the village

Buschenhagen is a district of the municipality of Niepars in the district of Vorpommern-Rügen in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania .


The place is two kilometers east of Neu Bartelshagen . The neighboring towns are Nisdorf in the north, Günz in the northeast, Neuenpleen in the east, Duvendiek in the southeast, Lassentin in the south, Neu Lassentin in the southwest and Neu Bartelshagen and Zühlendorf in the west.


On May 26, 2019, Buschenhagen became a district of Niepars as part of the incorporation of Neu Bartelshagen.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Main statute of the community Neu Bartelshagen . March 4, 2013 ( amt-niepars.de [PDF; 285 kB ; accessed on September 18, 2017]).
  2. Geodata viewer of the Office for Geoinformation, Surveying and Cadastre of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania ( information )