Butz (poodle)

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Schopenhauer and Butz

Butz (* around 1850 ; † after September 21, 1860 ) was the last poodle of the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer .


Schopenhauer, who had kept poodles since his student years, acquired the brown "Butz" as the last animal of this type. Mr and dog were part of the Frankfurt street scene and frequented the Englischer Hof , where Schopenhauer used to have his lunch. If he had to scold the animal, he called it human ; if he praised the poodle, he called it an atman .

After the Parerga and Paralipomena had become bestsellers in 1851 , Schopenhauer's popularity grew. Out of admiration for the philosopher, some Frankfurt citizens also bought a poodle.

Elisabet Ney and the Schopenhauer bust

Schopenhauer, who had lived at Schöne Aussicht 17 since 1843, had to move to the neighboring house at Schöne Aussicht 16 in 1859 after a dispute with his landlord about the problem . In the same year, the sculptor Elisabet Ney created a bust of Schopenhauer and an image of the dog. Even Wilhelm Busch immortalized Schopenhauer poodle in an image; Georg Klein and Michael Jordan created comic strips with the title Butz & Schopenhauer .

Butz belonged to the legacy that Schopenhauer had intended for his maid Margaretha Schnepp. Apart from the dog and the requirement to look after it, the legacy included all furniture, some other household items and a pension. As an alternative, if Margaretha Schnepp should refuse to take care of Butz, Schopenhauer had Dr. Emden intended as the future owner of the animal.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Alain de Botton, The Consolations of Philosophy , Penguin 2001
  2. Schopenhauer's poodle
  3. Butz & Schopenhauer
  4. ^ Karen Duve, Thies Völker, Lexicon of Famous Animals. From Alf and Donald Duck to Pooh the Bear and Leda's Swan , Munich (Piper) 1999, ISBN 3-492-22684-1 , pp. 130-132