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Collagen type XXIV, alpha 1
other names
  • Alpha-1 type XXIV collagen
  • Collagen Alpha-1 (XXIV) chain
  • Collagen alpha-1 chain type XXIV
Properties of human protein
Mass / length primary structure 1,714 amino acids , 175,496 Da
Isoforms 2
Gene name COL24A1
External IDs
Parent taxon Bilateria
human House mouse
Entrez 255631 71355
Ensemble ENSG00000171502 ENSMUSG00000028197
UniProt Q17RW2 Q8K4G2
Refseq (mRNA) NM_152890 NM_027770
Refseq (protein) NP_690850.2 NP_082046.2
Gene locus Chr 1: 85.73 - 86.16 Mb Chr 3: 145.29 - 145.55 Mb
PubMed search 255631 71355

Collagen type XXIV, alpha 1 is a collagen that the gene COL24A1 is encoded. It forms homotrimers , which in turn form collagen fibrils of type XXIV.


Type XXIV, alpha 1 collagen is mainly expressed in bone tissue. The protein complex CREB-AP1 , consisting of CREB-1 and AP-1 , regulates the transcription of COL24A1 in osteoblasts ; mainly during fetal development.

Mutations in the COL24A1 gene lead to Miller-Dieker syndrome .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Noritaka Matsuo, Shizuko Tanaka, Marion K. Gordon, Manuel Koch, Hidekatsu Yoshioka, Francesco Ramirez: CREB-AP1 protein complexes regulate transcription of the collagen XXIV gene (Col24a1) in osteoblasts . In: J Biol Chem . 281, No. 9, March 3, 2006, pp. 5445-5452. doi : 10.1074 / jbc.M509923200 . PMID 16373341 .
  2. Manuel Koch, Friedrich Laub, Peihong Zhou, Rita A. Hahn, Shizuko Tanaka, Robert E. Burgeson, Donald R. Gerecke, Francesco Ramirez, Marion K. Gordon: Collagen XXIV, a vertebrate fibrillar collagen with structural features of invertebrate collagens: selective expression in developing cornea and bone . In: J Biol Chem . 278, No. 44, October 31, 2003, pp. 43236-43244. doi : 10.1074 / jbc.M302112200 . PMID 12874293 .