Ca 'Belvedere di Monte Poggiolo

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Ca 'Belvedere di Monte Poggiolo (Italy)
Monte Poggiolo
Monte Poggiolo

Ca 'Belvedere di Monte Poggiolo , simply called Monte Poggiolo , is one of the oldest archaeological sites in Italy . It was named after a district of Castrocaro Terme e Terra del Sole , which lies at the foot of Monte Poggiolo, a 212 m high mountain around 10 km from Forlì . Not far from the medieval Rocca di Monte Poggiolo castle , several thousand stone artefacts were discovered from 1983 , the oldest of which date back around 850,000 years. The discoverers were Luisa Fontana and Franco Proli.

The location is between Bologna and Rimini , northwest of Forlì , on the southern edge of the Po plain . Today it is about 40 km from the coast, but at that time the coast was close. Due to marine sediments and deposits from the rivers (Imola sands), numerous hills were created there. However, the dating derived from this was questioned in 1994. Remnants of the fauna were not found, but foraminifera , ostracods and mollusks indicated a brackish marsh environment near the sea.

A total of around 5200 mostly very small cuts, tools and their preliminary products were discovered. Paleomagnetic investigations showed that the site must be at least 780,000 years old; the layer below ( Argille Azzurre ) is 1.3 to 1.4 million years old. In 2011, the age was determined closer to around 850,000 years. Electron spin resonance (ESR) was used last .

The finds are in the Museo Civico Archeologico Antonio Santarelli .


  • Jean Gagnepain, Ian Hedley, Jean-Jacques Bahain, Jean-Jacques Wagner: Premiers résultats de l'étude magnétostratigraphique du site de Monte Poggiolo , in: Carlo Peretto (ed.): I primi abitanti della valle padana. Monte Poggiolo nel quadro delle conoscenze europee , Jaca Book, Milan 1992, pp. 255-273.
  • Yuji Yokoyama, Jean-Jacques Bahain, Christophe Falguères, Jean Gagnepain: Tentative de datation par la méthode de la résonance de spin électronique (ESR) de sédiments quaternaires de la région de Forli (Italie) , in: Carlo Peretto (ed.): I primi abitanti della valle padana: Monte Poggiolo nel quadro delle conoscenze europee , Jaca Book, Milan 1992, pp. 337-345.
  • Jean-Jacques Bahain, Christophe Falguères, Pierre Voinchet, Matthieu Duval, Jean-Michel Dolo, Jackie Despriée, Tristan Garcia, Hélène Tissoux: Electron Spin resonance (ESR) dating of some European Late Lower Pleistocene sites , in: Quaternaire, 18.2 (2007) 175-186.
  • Carlo Peretto, Filomena Ornella Amore, Alberto Antoniazzi, Aldo Antoniazzi, Jean-Jacques Bahain et al .: L'industrie lithique de Ca'Belvedere di Monte Poggiolo. Stratigraphie, matière première, typologie, remontages et traces d'utilisation , in: L'Anthropologie 102,4 (1998) 343-465.


  1. Vincent Lebreton: Paysages et climats des premiers hominidés en Italie , John and Erica Hedges Ltd., 2004, p. 37.
  2. Wil Roebroeks : Updating the earliest occupation of Europe , in: Current Anthropology 35 (1994) 301-304, here: p. 303.
  3. ^ Sarah Milliken: The earliest occupation of Italy , in: Accordia Research Papers 7 (1999) 7-36.
  4. Giovanni Muttoni, Giancarlo Scardia, Dennis V. Kent, Enrico Morsiani, Fabrizio Tremolada, Mauro Cremaschi, Carlo Peretto: First dated human occupation of Italy at ~ 0.85 Ma during the late Early Pleistocene climate transition , in: Earth and Planetary Science Letters 307 (2011) 241-252.

Coordinates: 44 ° 12 ′ 6.1 ″  N , 11 ° 57 ′ 0 ″  E