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The Cakchiquel , also Kaqchikel, are an indigenous Maya people in Guatemala .


The Cakchiquel were during the Postclassic close allies of the highlands of Guatemala dominant Quiché . At the turn of the last century before the Conquista , this relationship changed from a moderate vassal relationship to open enmity. There was a western group with the center Iximché and an eastern group with the center Jilotepeque Viejo . The western group allied with Pedro de Alvarado on their own initiative in 1524 and thus played a major role in the subjugation of the highland Maya by the Spaniards. Its history up to the Spanish conquest was u in the early colonial times . a. written in the annals of the Cakchiquel .


At the beginning of the 21st century, over 800,000 Guatemalans call themselves Cakchiquel, of whom nearly 450,000 claim to be Cakchiquel native speakers. The Cakchiquel are still among the most numerous Mayan peoples and cultivate one of the most widely spoken Mayan languages . The settlement area mainly includes the departments of Chimaltenango , Sololá and Sacatepéquez .
