Callulops fuscus

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Callulops fuscus
Order : Frog (anura)
Subordination : Neobatrachia
Family : Narrow-mouth frogs (Microhylidae)
Subfamily : Papuan narrow-mouth frogs (Asterophryinae)
Genre : Callulops
Type : Callulops fuscus
Scientific name
Callulops fuscus
( Peters , 1867)

Callulops fuscus is an amphibian of the family -mouthed (Microhylidae).


The species reaches a length of 35 millimeters. The top of the body is monochrome or black-brown. The underside of the body is light-colored with irregular white lines and small spots. The forearm and tarsus show little clear horizontal stripes. The forehead is short and can be as long as the diameter of the eye. The fifth toe is significantly shorter than the third.


Callulops fuscus is only known from the three Indonesian islands of Ambon , Seram (both Maluku ) and Batanta ( western New Guinea ) and occurs as a lowland species at altitudes below 50 meters above sea level. It lives terrestrially in seasonally flooded lowland rainforest .


The species was first described in 1867 by Wilhelm Peters as Phrynomantis fusca . Alain Dubois placed them in the genus Callulops in 1988 .


Callulops fuscus is in the red list of the IUCN classified available ( "Data Deficient") as insufficient data basis. Specific data on the endangerment of this species are not available, but there are indications of increasing impairment of the forests on Seram and their habitat on Ambon is already severely impaired.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Fritz Nieden: Anura II . In: FE Schulze, W. Kükenthal, K. Heider (Ed.): Das Tierreich . Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin and Leipzig 1926, p. 15.
  2. a b Callulops fuscus in the endangered Red List species the IUCN 2016 Posted by: Stephen Richards, Djoko Iskandar, 2004. Accessed January 29, 2017th
  3. ^ Darrel R. Frost: Callulops fuscus (Peters, 1867) . In: Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference . Version 6.0 (accessed January 29, 2017). ( online ).