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Caloria is a red grape variety that is grown in the Italian region of Tuscany . Although their cultivation is recommended in the province of Massa-Carrara , the planted area under vines was a mere 10 hectares in the 1990s .

The grape variety was first described by the ampelographers Nino Breviglieri and Enrico Casini.


No alternative names are known to the Caloria grape variety.

Ampelographic varietal characteristics

In ampelography , the habitus is described as follows:

  • The shoot tip is open. It is hairy with white wool and the tips are colored carmine red. The reddish-green young leaves are only hairy like a cobweb.
  • The small, wavy leaves are not lobed or sometimes three-lobed. The stem bay is open U-shaped. The blade is bluntly serrated. The teeth are medium-sized compared to the grape varieties. The leaf surface (also called blade) is blistered and rough.
  • The conical to cylindrical grape is medium-sized and has dense berries. The round berries are medium-sized and reddish-blue in color. The berry peel is crisp and firm.

The grape variety ripens about 30 days after the Gutedel and is therefore considered to ripen late in international comparison.

The yields of the variety are constant but weak and explain the low importance. Caloria is a variety of the noble grapevine ( Vitis vinifera ). It has hermaphroditic flowers and is therefore self-fruiting. In viticulture , the economic disadvantage of not having to grow male plants that produce yield is avoided.

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