Camerata vocalis

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Camerata vocalis
Seat: Tübingen / Germany
Carrier: University of Tübingen
Founding: 1973
Genus: Chamber choir
Founder: Alexander Šumski
Head : Philipp Amelung
Voices : 30 ( SATB )
Website : camerata-vocalis.html

The Camerata vocalis is a German choir. As a chamber choir at the University of Tübingen , his musical work focuses on developing a stylistically wide-ranging a cappella repertoire. In addition to concerts in Tübingen and the surrounding area, records and CD recordings, radio and television productions as well as numerous concert tours within and outside Europe have made the ensemble known beyond Tübingen.

From 1973 to 1999

In 1973 the Camerata vocalis was founded as a chamber choir of the university by University Music Director Alexander Šumski and directed until his retirement in 1999. Special highlights of the musical work during this time are the music of the Eastern Church, the rediscovery and processing of music in Upper Swabian monasteries as well as a total of five concert tours in several African countries. Music by Upper Swabian composers such as Nikolaus Betscher , Andreas Heichlinger, Franz Schnitzer and Ernestus Weinrauch, which was forgotten after the secularization and survived in archives or attics of rectories, was set up for the performance, recorded and recorded in cooperation with Südwestfunk in Baden-Baden quasi premiered again in concerts on site. The trips to Africa were integrated into projects of the German Music Council, during which the choir was available as a demonstration and working choir in addition to concerts at choral conducting seminars. From 1986 to 1996 Somalia, Kenya, Zambia, Malawi, Togo, Cameroon, Gabon, Uganda, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Namibia and South Africa were visited.

From 1999 to 2010

From 1999 to 2010 the Camerata vocalis was directed by University Music Director Tobias Hiller . The ensemble accepted invitations to international university choir meetings in València and Poznań, sang at the central celebration of 525 years of the University of Tübingen in the presence of the Federal President and won third prize in the art song category at the 40th International Choir Competition in 2003 in Spittal an der Drau. Another four CDs were created in cooperation with the SWR . In December 2006 there was a remarkable performance of Bach's B minor Mass in Tübingen. Travels outside of Europe have taken the ensemble to China, Morocco, Brazil, the USA and Canada.

Extended to the academic choir for oratorical performances, among other things Britten's War Requiem was performed in 2005 for the opening of the European Church Music Festival in Schwäbisch Gmünd and the oratorio Jeanne d'Arc by Arthur Honegger in 2008 .

After the death of its director in July 2010, the choir worked with changing guest conductors until it was replaced in April 2011.

Since 2011

On April 1, 2011, Philipp Amelung took over the position of University Music Director at the University of Tübingen and thus also the director of the Camerata vocalis. In 2012 the Camerata Vocalis went on a concert tour to Israel and Palestine, in 2013 to Brazil and 2014 to Leipzig and Dresden.

The essentials in brief

Records and CD productions:

  • several recordings by composers from Upper Swabia, recorded with the symphony orchestra of the SWF Baden-Baden
  • Recordings a cappella with works by Liszt, Bruckner, Brahms etc.
  • "Audiobooks": Help to dig the well of life, Mörike, angel chants, Liebeleyen
  • Live recording of the concert in B minor Mass

Concerts in Europe:

  • Belgium, Netherlands, France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Ireland

Participation in international competitions:

  • Spittal 2003 (3rd prize art song)
  • Maasmechelen 2007
  • Cork 2009

Selected highlights:

  • TV production in Birnau on Lake Constance
  • Participation at Christmas with the Federal President in 1998
  • Concerts at the EXPO2000 in Hanover
  • Performance of the Mass in B minor in 2006
  • Invitation to ACDA NW Divisional Convention in Vancouver BC 2008

Individual evidence

  1. Collegium Musicum - New University Music Director (page accessed on April 20, 2011)
  2. (page accessed on May 12, 2014)
  3. A German Requiem in Brazil (page accessed on May 12, 2014)
  4. (page accessed on May 12, 2014)
  5. ^ Performing Choirs Program NW Divisional Convention Vancouver, BC, February 20-23, 2008 ( memento January 25, 2015 on the Internet Archive ) visited July 27, 2009