Candy flip

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Candyflip is a combination of the drugs LSD and MDMA .


The combination of the two substances can lead to strong changes in perception with visual and acoustic hallucinations . The psychoactive effects of both substances can reinforce each other. It is often described as one of the strongest and most pleasant drug experiences, this is due to the similar intoxication states , with LSD more hallucinogenic and ecstasy more drive-enhancing and mood-enhancing. Due to the extreme release of serotonin and dopamine , the hallucinations are initially guided in positive paths, but there is a risk that the MDMA will lose its effectiveness due to the different lengths of action and the subsequent period of the LSD intoxication will be slow and depressive due to strongly negative " flashes " comes to an end. Many consumers therefore use the option of “re-throwing” the hormones to artificially prevent the drop in happiness hormones by taking other mood-enhancing drugs ( marijuana , cocaine , MDMA), or only take MDMA towards the end of the LSD experience.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Yvonne Niekrenz: Youth and Intoxication: interdisciplinary approaches to young people's worlds of experience . Juventa-Verlag, 2010, ISBN 978-3-7799-1754-0 , p. 86 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  2. Sherrel Howard: Drugs of Abuse: Pharmacology and Molecular Mechanisms . John Wiley & Sons, 2014, ISBN 978-1-118-85014-5 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).