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Carchesium polypinum

Carchesium polypinum

without rank: Conthreep
without rank: Oligohymenophorea
without rank: Peritrichia
Order : Sessilida
Family : Bell animals (Vorticellidae)
Genre : Carchesium
Scientific name
Ehrenberg , 1830

Carchesium is a genus of unicellular , colony-forming bell animals (Vorticellidae) from the subclass of Peritrichia .


The species of the genus form colonies that are stem-branched, tree-like in shape, up to 4 millimeters high and can consist of over one hundred individuals (" zooids "). The zooids sitting at the end of a branch are bell-shaped. Each zooid has its own muoneme , which runs the entire length of its stems, but is not connected to the muonemes of the other zooids in the colony. Due to the individual myonemes, the zooids do not contract synchronously with each other. The Mundbewimperung consists of kineties at the front end of the cell, which rotate counterclockwise. Usually there is a thread-like large core . A Lorica is missing.


The species of the genus can be found in fresh and salt water alike, they colonize aquatic plants or small aquatic animals.


The genus includes u. a .:

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Denis H. Lynn, Eugene B. Small: Ciliophora, Peritrichia In: John J. Lee, GF Leedale, P. Bradbury (Eds.): An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa . tape 2 . Allen, Lawrence 2000, ISBN 1-891276-23-9 , pp. 625-626 .
  2. a b Carchesium in the Encyclopedia of life , accessed June 28, 2010.

Web links

Commons : Carchesium  - collection of images, videos and audio files