Carl August Schmid

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Carl August Christian Schmid (born October 31, 1767 in Wernigerode ; † July 15, 1822 in Wasserleben ) was a German natural scientist and Protestant clergyman.

Schmid was born at Wernigerode Castle . He worked as a Protestant chaplain at the court of Count Christian Friedrich zu Stolberg-Wernigerode and was later transferred to Wasserleben in the county of Wernigerode as pastor . In his spare time he occupied himself a. a. with natural history and submitted several poems. One of his main works is Experiments on Insects , which appeared in Gotha in 1803 and which he dedicated to Hereditary Count Henrich zu Stolberg-Wernigerode .

Schmid was married to Sophie geb. Kiss. His sons were the philologist Theodor Schmid (* 1798) and Constantin (* 1801).

In 1826 his son Theodor published the work of his deceased father looking into the household of nature, or depictions from the animal world in Halberstadt near Brüggemann.


  • Christian Friedrich Kesslin: Messages from Writers and Artists of the County of Wernigerode , Magdeburg 1856, p. 167

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Church book of the castle parish of St. Pantaleon